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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Biden family’s Ukraine games cried out for investigation

House Democrats impeached President Trump for putting his own political fortunes ahead of the national interest in dealing with Ukraine. But it’s Joe Biden who should be on the hot seat for that.

Trump is criticized for a July 25 phone call, when he asked the president of Ukraine for help investigating what Biden did as vice president to get a prosecutor there fired. At the time, Biden’s son Hunter was on the payroll of a corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, which was targeted by authorities.

Democrats claim it was wrong to ask for the investigation; Trump’s defense lawyers say there was every reason to ask. The evidence backs up Team Trump.

It’s not just the $1 million a year Burisma paid Hunter, though he had no energy or Ukraine expertise. That’s what the defense team focused on, but it’s small potatoes.



  1. This whole thing is a dumbocrat dirty filthy trick shame to try and take out Trump. Period!!!

    Some of these people should be charged with treason and face a firing squad.

  2. Alot of Illegal "GAMES" by both Daddy & Son Biden !!!

    They should be in Prison & Not running for Any office !!!!

  3. Lev Parnas about to testify to the Senate. Impeachment time.


  4. The influence peddling bribery crime had occurred on Obama's watch. Biden was the actor who explicitly threatened Ukraine with loss of funds unless it met his demands. That is the crime.

    Mr. Trump inherited a seditious FBI,DOJ and State Dept. that would never have lifted a finger to inquire about the Bidens' actions.

    It was entirely proper for him to raise the concern since if Ukraine thought bribing American officials was the way to proceed the situation would worsen. The Bidens' crime was just as serious whether Joe was running for anything or just sitting home filling his drool cup.

    Related side note: Joe must be dipping into Hunter's stash based on how he's been carrying on.

  5. Investigate his DAUGHTER too !!! New info on her too !!!!

  6. POTUS is the chief law enforcement officer & has every right
    to investigate ANYBODY incl a Biden !!!

    Lawful FULL authority > Get used to it !!!!


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