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Monday, January 27, 2020

Southwest Airlines removes passenger from plane in Maryland amid coronavirus concerns after display of 'flu-like symptoms' on flight from Las Vegas

Southwest Airlines has removed a passenger from a flight amid concerns over coronavirus because they had recently traveled to Beijing and was displaying 'flu-like symptoms'.

The virus can cause fever, coughing, wheezing and pneumonia. It is a member of the Coronavirus family that's a close cousin to the deadly SARS and MERS viruses that have caused outbreaks in the past.

The sick passenger had completed the journey from Las Vegas but was escorted off the plane once it landed at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Saturday afternoon.

In a video from a fellow passenger, a health official is heard explaining the action was 'because of this heightened time, we are just using an abundance of caution'.



  1. CHINA States 5 million left Wahun and 100000 possibly INFECTED.

  2. China invasion of America > spread this to us & the world !!!

  3. I bet SOROS has his CURE.

  4. shut down all air travel to china! does anyone for one minute think the commie bastards would tell the world the truth?


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