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Sunday, January 05, 2020

REVEALED: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Pelosi Jr. Was Given Lucrative $180,000 a Year Position with InfoUSA Weeks After His Mother Became Speaker — Despite having No Experience!

The more you look at Paul Pelosi Jr. the more you see another Hunter Biden.

Paul Pelosi Jr. – like Hunter Biden, was given no-show jobs for which he wasn’t qualified in an effort to buy influence with his politician parent.

Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul is also on the board of an energy company.
Paul Pelosi Jr. also traveled to Ukraine for his work.
AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appears in the company’s video ad!

According to Patrick Howley at National File Speaker Pelosi’s son Paul Jr. was an executive at Viscoil. 



  1. Old Lady Pelosi: Who is Jobama?
    Her son: What moron does a promo video for the company they are supposed to be representing and doesn't even bother to pull his headphones out of his ears?!

  2. No surprise that’s the way it works in DC.


  3. Oh my... we've got to impeach this President (or look like we're fixin' to..) before this gets out of hand.

    This starting to look like quite the mess, eh?

  4. NO Surprise !!! More of same OL same OL

    Proves more, that she & family are Dirty !!! Like Biden

  5. Prosecute them just like Bidens !!!!

    How many millions did he get from Ukraine ??? ALOT ???

  6. Part of the swamp that comes with career politicians

  7. Quid pro Pelosi?????

  8. Whoa, wait a minute, Children of the politicians should not need and do not need experience in a job they get. Just give them the money because their parents are next to being queens and kings

    That is the way it should be and that is the way it has been. Facts are facts.

  9. Pelsoi, Biden, Kerry and others (you know who they are) want to get rid of Trump before they are all exposed to their dirty politics.

  10. Chilly Clinton went the same way! As soon as her mother had some power of her own (slick willy was a has been by then - and probably wasn't her real father), access was buyable!

    What a bunch of slimey crooks!

    Throw them all in JAIL - forever!

  11. No mention of Kerry's family ties there and isn't Gore's family included in the club? Inquiring minds want to impeach all of them and re-elect Trump!

  12. Pelosi has a son? You mean to tell me there is a "man" somewhere in the world that had sex with her? I've had a couple coyote nights but never with anything like that . WOW

  13. Democrats in action.-Another pay to play deal. Nothing new.

  14. She FEARS this will come out in a Senate hearing Thus the
    reason for her STALLING !!! FACT

    ALSO Biden will be Finished & she knows it !!!! FACT

    Even Hillary & her dirty Obama bunch will come up !!!!

  15. And all poor old Joe could get for his son was $50K/Yr from Burisma. Old has-been senator and VP just isn't worth so much. How does he expect to be president? Is the only thing he is looking for is a pay raise for his drug addicted, bastard-making son?

  16. Daddy Biden got Millions from China, don't forget too !!!

    Time to END the privilaged life styles of these criminal Dems !!!!

    Lock them up !!!

  17. Time to SPOTLIGHT her Son & do some Digging !!!!

  18. Everything is all so Lucrative for the Criminal Democrats !!!!
    & Nothing Ever happens to them !!!

  19. And this is how politicians (the swamp)get to be millionaires, along with everyone in their family, spouses, children, etc. We have a corrupt Congress, both sides of the aisle. And that is why Trump has had so little support from Congress for his first three years. He is a threat to their corrupt way of political life. When he went after Joe's family corruption, they immediately fire back with impeachment. Terms limits for congress are seriously needed, and in addition to the appointment of the next SCOTUS nominee, Trump will likely make term limits for congress his battle call. Talk about a power play. Trump will have to surround himself with the military to get congress from killing him.

  20. I want to hear alot more about criminal Pelosi's SON !!!!

    Lets have Hearings on that subject !!!!

  21. Impeach Pelosi !!!!


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