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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Republicans change trial rules to avoid 'dark of night' proceedings

Senate Republicans have altered planned rules for the presidential impeachment trial to allow House evidence to be included and to avoid late-night proceedings.

McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, was criticized by Democrats for drafting trial rules that would require both the impeachment managers and President Trump’s defense attorneys to each present arguments over 24 hours spread over two days.

McConnell has extended that rule to 24 hours spread over three days, which will make it less likely that the managers or lawyers will have to extend their arguments late into the night.



  1. Just make the Democrats stay up late & suffer !!!!

  2. Don't screw up & help Democrats in any way !!!

  3. @ January 22, 2020 at 6:41 PM

    This wasn't about the dems, it was about not appearing to rig the game so hard one way that Senators in upcoming elections might suffer, and then loose seats in the Senate. This change came at the urging of Republicans, a result of a lunch gathering, when a group of them pressed McConnell on this.

    It's a disgrace. This isn't about gaining or winning or loosing votes or seats. It's about doing their jobs. The SWORE AND OATH to be impartial...and so far, there is very little impartial about this.

  4. Because the old Republican Senators cannot stay away OR at their chair

  5. I'd be scared of Big Eyes Shifty Shift in the dark with me

    he probably fondle me


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