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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Rep. Ilhan Omar Casts Iranians, Iraqis as Victims of Trump

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., berated President Donald Trump’s administration Thursday and cast the Iraqi people as victims on the House floor.

Omar said the Trump administration asks Americans “to deny reality.” Her words came after Iran launched missiles at military bases housing U.S. troops in Iraq early Wednesday local time.

“This administration says starving the Iranian economy is in defense of human rights, when it is an abuse of them,” Omar said. “That withdrawal from the [Iran] nuclear deal was a demonstration of American leadership when it is an abandonment of it.”

Omar said the families of American soldiers and diplomats “are being kept awake at night worrying.”

She also emphasized that the Iranian and Iraqi people are suffering unjustly.



  1. She is so out of touch with reality.

  2. This is the same woman who slept with and married her brother...

  3. The Iranian people and Iraqi people are victims of the aggression by US Military at the behest of Israel. Anyone can understand that.

    1. So Iran and Iraqs' leaders, responsible for the murder of thousands of their own people, was done at the behest of us and the Jews? We made Sadamn gas a whole population of Iraqis? It wasn't Iran, but Israel that attack our embassies twice in 40 years? Are you stupid or do you get your jollies pretending to be?

  4. She is right, the Iranian people are suffering unjustly. But it is because of Islam, her religion of pieces.

  5. The Iranian and Iraqi people are suffering unjustly because of the actions of their government. All President Trump is doing is trying to protect America from people like you !

  6. "She also emphasized that the Iranian and Iraqi people are suffering unjustly." - A just who's fault is that really you bimbo!

  7. The Iranian people have not control over the Mullahs in that Country
    The government is out of control of the people. It has been for a long time.

    Just like the Americans.
    We have absolutely zero control over our Authoritarian Military Government.
    It is criminal and corrupt to its core.
    It attacks people (like the Iranian, Iraqis) with impunity.
    The American people have voted over and over again to stop these wars.

    We have not control over our Government, just as they have no control over their Government.

    The elites are ruining everybody's lives

  8. I wish Omar was a victim of Trump.

  9. She is a TRAITOR along with AOC and the SQUAD. Follow the Constitution for the punishment of TRAITORs to the US Democracy.

  10. Americans are VICTIMS of OMAR !!!!

  11. Might want to learn about the USS Liberty

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Iranian people and Iraqi people are victims of the aggression by US Military at the behest of Israel. Anyone can understand that.

    January 11, 2020 at 9:01 AM

    Geesh, you again. It seems you hate Jews too.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Might want to learn about the USS Liberty

    January 11, 2020 at 4:53 PM

    Why? What has that to do with this topic?

  14. Omar is going to be a victim of Trump too, come re-election time.

  15. As Omar says, "incest is best."

  16. ALL criminals claim They are the victims !!!! WOOOOOO


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