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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Prosecutors demand disgraced national security advisor Mike Flynn is jailed for SIX MONTHS for being unrepentant about lying to the FBI

President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn deserves up to six months behind bars, the Justice Department said Tuesday, reversing its earlier position that he was entitled to avoid prison time because of his extensive cooperation with prosecutors.

The government's sentencing memo is a sharp rebuke to Flynn's new legal team, which for months has attacked special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation and accused prosecutors of withholding information that they said was favorable to their client.

A judge rejected those arguments last month.



  1. Where is the jail time for Andrew McCabe who openly ADMITTED to lying to the FBI Where is HIS indictment?

  2. Meanwhile Andrew and James and John and James C are making millions.

  3. Remember 24/7 coverage by cnn that He turned on Trump and was giving up Russia. Apparently that wasn’t the case considering it was made up.

  4. Lots of people should be dead or in jail by these standards. Obama, Clinton, Holder, Podesta, Jarrett, Rice, Kerry, Corey, McCabe, Brennan all lies to the FBI, hell the FBI lied to the FBI...

  5. PARDON 👁️👁️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  6. Michael Flynn was set up by Obama and company...he said to take out Flynn then Trump. The Deep State is in DEEP DOODOO and they know it. Flynn knows where all the dead bodies are. He has so much on these evil, corrupt characters they are truly in Panic.

  7. Not until the damn Democrat's criminals are Jailed first !!!!


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