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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

'Not a left party': AOC calls the Democratic Party a 'center-conservative party'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the Democratic Party leans to the right of the political center.

The New York Democrat spoke at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event held in Harlem’s Riverside Church on Monday. While there, the 30-year-old lawmaker claimed that the United States lacks a “left party” politically.

"We don’t have a left party in the United States. The Democratic Party is not a left party," Ocasio-Cortez said. "The Democratic Party is a center or center-conservative party.

"We can’t even get a floor vote on Medicare for All, not even a floor vote that gets voted down. So, this is not a left party," she continued, referring to a policy proposal that would provide health insurance to all while eliminating private insurance options. "There are a lot of true believers that we can 'capitalism' our way out of poverty in the Democratic Party. If anything, that’s probably the majority."



  1. She identifies as a Commie.... well a Socialist.

  2. She's just a party distraction. They know she's reached her full potential and oi done for in the next election.

  3. Ah but She is working on that...maybe the old dems were center of something!!!but today its not central leaning right. Its taken a big swing left. More lies and deception from here ilk

  4. Regardless, America has drove itself into the ground with profit being more important than well being and quality of life.

  5. Please continue AOC.

  6. she has lost her mind, well i guess not you have to have one to lose it.

  7. The Dems are communists

    The Republicans are fascists

  8. We have no party left in the United States. There, I fixed it for her.


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