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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Nevada’s Largest Teachers Union Endorses Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) secured another significant endorsement on Tuesday, earning the support of the Clark County Educational Association — the largest teachers union in the state representing the fifth-largest school district in the country.

Sanders, who has long positioned himself as the go-to candidate for the labor movement, secured the endorsement of the Clark County Educational Association, which represents roughly 19,000 educators in the Clark County School District, BuzzFeed News confirmed on Tuesday.

The socialist senator reportedly led in the union’s straw poll, which played a role in the final outcome.



  1. What dumb teachers they have in Nevada!! Trump 2020

  2. 427. Not teachers but teachers union

  3. Proof positive that Communists are now running the school systems!

  4. teacher unions are dumb


  5. The #RedForEd bunch love Bernie-- being a socialist he will make sure they have PLENTY of money to finish turning our schools into indoctrination centers.

    The teachers unions are a significant danger to our country. They must be dealt with.

  6. How did we end up with a teacher Corp this stupid?

  7. This only proves that the public education system is full of communists

  8. All commies voting for a commie.

  9. Its why we need school vouchers..the luciferian indoc of young minds meeds to stop

  10. Soon we will be a socialist country. Markets and pensions will crash and states will do lay offs again.

  11. Nevada is a lost cause

  12. A teachers union, or any union, endorsing a socialist....imagine that. Unions are all socialist organizations. There are no individual rights in a union, only collective rights. Unions are socialist by design. There's no denying that. Got any union friends or neighbors? I'll bet they are far leftist Democrats. They're the ones that hate the constitution, specifically the bill of rights that are individual rights that the government cannot take away.

  13. Not dumb
    They want to make sure their Pension gets bailed out
    Bernie will do it

  14. And you wonder why most of us do not like our Public School Systems.

  15. This will make you think twice before you send your kids to Wicomico County public schools.


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