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Thursday, January 30, 2020



  1. and what about the party where all the msp guys will be? bet you wont find a check point within 20 miles!

  2. Why do they feel the need to put out a press release to tell people they are going to DO THEIR JOB? Isn’t it their job, EVERY DAY, to arrest impaired drivers? Just because it’s a holiday? You don’t see McDonalds grandstanding, on St. Patrick’s Day, by putting out a press release that says they are going to be using green lettuce all day. Just DO YOUR JOB and shut up.

  3. 8:16 prevention. The logic is that announcing dui checkpoints and special enforcement will deter people from driving drunk in the first place. I don't think they are turning a blind eye to DUI enforcement every other day of the year. Would you rather stop the drunk from getting in their car or try to catch the drunk by surprise when they're already driving? Take a chill pill

    1. By that logic, shouldn’t they put out a press release every day. Aren’t they trying to deter drunk driving EVERY day? Stop trying to think up clever names of initiatives that you think are cute. Just do your job and shut up.

  4. I'm sure they are salivating over this!
    More money for the state coffers!
    Revenue enhancement in the name of safety at it's finest!!!

  5. Glorified Traffic enforcement officers!
    When you call 911, you get the sheriffs office to respond.

    Good luck in ever seeing one come to your neighborhood or patrol your neighborhood. I guess that would be beneath them!

    I guess there is on financial incentive in protecting you or your property, but of course there is profit in traffic enforcement and DUI's!

  6. They announce this so that when people are pulled over because their tires touched a line in the road and they are given the full Gestapo treatment, they can say (with a straight face) they were doing it "for our own good".
    For the children.
    It's very funny (in an Orwellian-type humor) that they proudly announce they "serve the people", but it's NEVER any of the "people" that are currently in front of them.
    At that point, they become public "masters".
    If your tires touch one of the imaginary line barriers in the road and you have just taken some Percoset, how will they know??? Can they now SMELL Percoset??
    You KNOW that will be said in some Troopers report.


    And, while we are the subject, did you see where the police pulled over a POLITICIAN (protected by Two Sets of Laws, you idiot cheerleaders) and the cop SMELLED ALCOHOL and saw his red eyes and witnessed him swerving and speeding, BUT DID NOT TICKET OR ARREST HIM???????????

    You can get 4-5 cops to come to the scene of YOU not wearing a seat belt.
    "We, the people" get the full gestapo treatment.
    Rich and connected or politician? They dislocate their back bending over to kiss your ace.

    Did I mention "keep cheering""??
    You CANNOT explain or justify Two Sets of Laws. Not in America.

    Cheer on, you lemmings.


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