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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Maryland's BS Laws Referencing Styrofoam Legislation

Don't you find it extremely interesting how our Legislators created the new law banning Styrofoam usage from all Maryland restaurant businesses. Even if you manufacture/sell Eggs in the sate of Maryland you cannot sell and deliver them in Styrofoam, yet if you are from out of state you can! Allow me to top that. Get this, look at the chicken producers. Interesting how their products are sold with Styrofoam packaging. Can you say Good Ol' Boy? I will admit that Perdue is working on a better way to distribute their products down the road. However, keep in mind, Perdue is only planning on doing around 30% of its packaging with this new product. Legislators are allowing companies to produce products with Styrofoam, just not the egg industry within the state. 

I'll go one further. Our Legislators are in fact allowing any and all shipping companies to continue to ship their products in Maryland with Styrofoam, including peanut shaped Styrofoam. We ALL know how bad that stuff becomes airborne. 

Have you ever noticed how none of your mainstream media have made any mention of this? As I've stated in past articles referencing Styrofoam, it's amazing how these Legislators can quickly and easily create such laws, yet they never think of solutions! These Idiots in Annapolis never compared the cost difference. Instead they created a campaign telling people how airborne they are, trying to get you to believe it is as bad as plastic bags, yet they didn't ban plastic bags! There is legislation this year in Annapolis to also ban plastic bags.

So each consumer can expect a huge increase in their to go order costs because of the cost difference in packaging. Here's what I find even more hilarious. I get food to go and in almost every single restaurant I go to and almost all restaurants are using black hard plastic with clear lids. These products are not recyclable either. You may THINK they are because most people, (including the Idiot Legislators) aren't educated about what is or isn't recyclable.

DO NOT EVER reheat your food in those hard plastic containers, EVER! There should be serious warning labels on them as it too is crap plastic and the toxic chemicals in that plastic will spread into your food. 
Effective July 1, 2020 ALL restaurants can no longer use Styrofoam. 

If cigarette manufacturers are forced to put warnings on each package, plastic containers should have the same referencing reheating. DO NOT REHEAT FOOD PRODUCTS IN THIS CONTAINER AS IT CAN CAUSE CANCER.

As many of you know I'm in the restaurant business. I have done an in depth comparison concerning let's say sugar cane to go containers vs. the black plastic containers. Sugar cane is three times more expensive then Styrofoam and the black plastic is between FIVE to NINE times more expensive. The sugar cane product is biodegradable while the black plastic is not. 

Our local media needs to do a better job educating the public about different types of plastic that are and are not recyclable.


  1. In BJs and Costco yesterday and you can buy anything plastic you want - serving trays with dip bowls. You know those veg trays you order for special occasions - well- you can buy the plastic tray and make your own. What gives?

  2. In my opinion there would be uproar if the government told you what products to use. Plastic bags are reused more readily and easily than styrofoam. Lose, lose either way. I am happy to see they are making progress whether it's agreed with or not.

  3. This is a big problem nation wide. In our area the only plastic that has market value is no. 1 and 2 which are mainly used as bottles. All the rest go to the landfill. In addition all dirty food service packaging is not recycled.

  4. What about those little pink Styrofoam trays that the meat departments in grocery stores use for their steaks, chicken and other meats? This thing is totally screwed up.

  5. What is YOUR solution ?

    1. They already stated in the article, you missed it or did not comprehend it. So I will educate you. They make a sugar cane based packaging which is 100% biodegradable which if the legislature wanted to fix the problem would have said that only 100% recyclable packaging is to be used in its place. Instead they have pandered to the corporate elites.

  6. Meat trays are not affected by the ban.

    As to biodegradable items, Nothing biodegrades in the landfill.
    In order to biodegrade the items need to be composted. There are not any large enough facilities to compost these items currently.

  7. More Hemp fiber use.

  8. One time I went to get to go breakfast from the Main St Deli and she put my scorching hot hash browns right on the Styrofoam and it melted the Styrofoam right into my hash browns.
    Yum... my toxic meal

    I cringe when I order hot food and they slap it right out of the oven into a plastic container and not bother to put a paper wrap down first.
    Yum... my toxic plastic meal

  9. 12:34 pandering to the corporate elites would be mandating that you use a specific product. Can you comprehend that?

  10. The same generation that got us into this mess now bitching about the measures they have to take to get out of it.

  11. Sounds like someone would rather be cheap and increase his profits, rather than to protect the environment. For him, and all the others like him, the Maryland Legislature took care of that.


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