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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Maryland Sheriff Says It Will Be CIVIL WAR Before Gun Confiscation (2-24-19)

Sheriff Mike Lewis considers himself the last man standing for the people of Wicomico County.

“State police and highway patrol get their orders from the governor,” the Maryland sheriff said. “I get my orders from the citizens in this county.”

With more states passing stronger gun control laws, rural sheriffs across the country are taking the meaning of their age-old role as defenders of the Constitution to a new level by protesting such restrictions, News21 found.

Some are refusing to enforce the laws altogether.

Sheriffs in states like New York, Colorado and Maryland argue that some gun control laws defy the Second Amendment and threaten rural culture, for which gun ownership is often an integral component.

They’re joined by groups like Oath Keepers and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, both of which encourage law enforcement officers to take a stand against gun control laws.



  1. “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” -President Ronald Reagan

    Fellow travelers, we wish that Reagan's words still rang true like they did when he was our leader. But as evidenced here, the liberals have morphed into Moaists, Leftists and centrists. How do you know the difference?

    We should not vilify the true liberals. The ones who care about rights and freedoms. Soon, they too will be disgusted by the Maoists and Leftists. It's just a matter of time, you have seen their reaction the the post-birth abortion laws in NY and Va.

    The Maoists and Leftists, my listeners, have the eyes and minds of Satan. You can identify them so easily. They are clearly part of the realm beyond which humans, regardless of religious beliefs, would identify as even remotely moral. Their consciousness has been replaced with Alinsky, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao's Little Red Book.

    They make even Barack Obama look like a centrists. We have entered a dark era.

  2. But Brian Frosh, a Maryland state senator and an FSA sponsor and gun-control advocate of Montgomery County, said Lewis’ understanding of a sheriff’s role is flawed.

    “If you are a sheriff in Maryland you must take an oath to uphold the law and the Constitution,” said Frosh, now the Democratic nominee for Maryland attorney general. “You can’t be selective. It’s not up to a sheriff to decide what’s constitutional and what isn’t. That’s what our courts are for.”

    As if Frosh has any respect for the Constitution. Frosh needs to go.

    1. Sheriff Lewis and other Patriots in law enforcement are following the law by not enforcing unconstitutional laws

    2. Frosch hasn't been a senator for 2 years you idiot.

  3. It's a commin folks , be prepared , I am ready and looking forward to it.
    The ignorant will die for nothing but propaganda.

  4. The democrats are taking gun rights because they want to control the people. Those who vote for democrats are the ones already controlled.

  5. Mike Lewis is an elected official place in his position by the people if you don't like it get out and vote I did an I'm part of the reason he is in office. Uphold my constitution Sheriff Lewis!!!!!

    1. I voted for Sheriff Mike Lewis everytime he was on the ballot, and will continue to support him as for the duration of his career

  6. Anyone for the people is on the right side of the constitution. Courts my a$$.

  7. For the Glory of Maryland! Fix BAYONETS!

  8. Courts are filled with Democrats thanks to Obama. Nancy Pelsoi and group would not approve President Trump's court judges.

  9. Beautiful! Shall not be infringed. Period!

  10. I respect Mike for not being afraid to stand up for his county and the people!

    The liberals are out of control. Frosh is an embarrassment.

  11. anyone following the liberal courts up to and including the supremes know that common sense and individual rights do not matter to those enriching themselves at our expense! I don't need hogan, frosh or the msp telling me what my God given rights are! and I will always maintain those rights to protect myself and my family against all comers including the gestapo!

  12. He WILL be one of many last men standing ! If for some reason you are jealous of Mr. Lewis it's because he is by far a better man.

  13. I agree with 7:57 I support you Mike Lewis, I do not agree with our Governor on many things he's just a Jake Day with a better job, which he should not hold. I guarantee he will never get a second term, we learn from our mistakes.

    1. He already is in his second term, 853. Welcome to the party, pal.

      Low-info voter alert!

  14. Awesome but we WILL see !!!!

  15. Thank you, Mike Lewis!


    1. My $$$$ is on the Sheriff.

    2. Lots more gun owners than msp
      Way outnumbered

    3. MSP are traffic police they really don't want to get caught up in any of this. Plus they're gun owners and mostly Patriots themselves at least the two dozen or so I know are pro constitution even if there Bosses my not be

  17. Dave T: Three cheers for Mike Lewis, the Sheriff's and all others like him !!! Thank you !! You are a patriot Sir !!

  18. Let's see what he does when the civil war starts .

  19. I don't recall reading his stance on the enforcement of "Red-Flag" confiscation warrants... Having already caused a number of deaths....

  20. Joe, thank you for your time.

    Response to MarylandReporter.com MVA article 02/08/2019

    He joked?
    “Sen. Doug Peters, D-Bowie, chair of the subcommittee reviewing the MVA budget, had direct experience of the new REAL ID process. “This is my favorite department because I have six kids,” he joked.”


    This is no joking matter. When a near life long Maryland resident (since 1963) can not renew an existing MD Drivers License (since 1973), without undue aggravation, belittling attitudes from state employees, and excessive form and processing fees. When an original certificate of birth from a US Navy Base Hospital is not acceptable proof of birth. When the representative of every federal, state, county office asked for supporting documents required to create a Delayed Certificate of Birth informs you “we don’t do that”, “we don’t have that information”, or “why do they want that?”, it is not a joke.

    Every phone call to an agency looking to ask a live representative for help is directed to visit the website. Questions regarding information not on the FAQ list or Website link directs you to call for assistance. No one can answer a question or supply any information that is not on the website. If it is not scripted, there is no answer.

    I’m told by the Florida Vital Statistics Office to mail a form to the SSA Office in Baltimore to obtain information necessary to provide a delayed certificate of birth, without any way to contact the Baltimore office to know if they received my form, is it in process? Will they in fact supply the information the Florida office requires?

    The phone number on the form is the only official SSA number. I have called this number 3 times, waited 25 to 35 minutes each time to speak with a person, and been given 3 different answers;
    1) “we don’t do printouts, go to your local office” (local office “we don’t do printouts, call main SSA number“)
    2) “We do not have your form, you mailed that to Baltimore, but I have your printout and will put in the mail today and you should have it in 7-10 days”
    3) “We mailed that, we have no way of tracking the mail. Do you know how much mail we handle? We have no supervisor available now, someone will call you by the end of the day.” (No call back)

    After several frustrating weeks of calls, forms, processing fees and mail charges with no fruitful progress and an expiration date just days away I contacted my congressman's office, and I did receive a very polite and helpful response. The next morning I had someone from MDMV call me, and advise me I could apply for an extension of 45 days, and a second extension if necessary to allow for the Florida paperwork to process.

    Now with approximately a week left on the first extension, I have been told by the Florida office to be patient, the required information could take 6-8 weeks.
    This is one very tired and frustrated citizen. No this is not a joke.

    Thank you, God Bless,

    1. This is why a md state trooper is loitering in every mva facility

  21. Thank you Sheriff Lewis, you have my continued support

  22. Civil war is coming.

  23. Mike Lewis runs the best sheriff's dept. or county police dept. in MD and beyond. He's the best we've ever had. He far outweighs the state police, Salisbury police, and many, many others. We're all behind you, Mike!

  24. One thing for sure, every country that was taken over by a tyrannical government, started with the guns being taken from the people.

  25. Y'all better hope it doesn't happen. White people will be in TROUBLE

    1. 12:13 You think so? We shall see won’t we? 😂😂

    2. LOLOLOLOL YOUR 13% OF the population and half of them are in prison.

    3. Keep smoking, home boy

  26. Your government hard at work

  27. @1213 bring it on Gringo

  28. And we gun owners and hunters will be right beside Sheriff Mike Lewis. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition brother. Never surrender!

  29. Yeah sure 12:13.

    We’ll have trouble alright.

    We’ll have trouble deciding where to spend all the money we taxpayers will save by getting rid of you leeches.

  30. Obama ignored all immigration laws....nobody on the left said a word.

  31. Absolutely love Mike. To all you wanna be keyboard warriors that have never fought for freedom....F You.

  32. 1213
    We will have trouble finding enough Ammo to take y''all out

  33. Now that's hilarious 12:13. I don't think any of us are to concerned about that. Do you like playing chess? That check mate would hit you before you knew what game you were playing.

  34. The sheriffs are upholding the constitution. The politicians are in direct violation of the constitution, the bill of rights and the declaration of independence.

  35. Proud to call you my friend Mike

  36. Protesting confiscation and such is a bit immature dontcha think? First they get a few of these registry schemes going along with restrictions, infringements, pay/permit schemes...you know full out hindering gun /hunting/shooting sports......make it nearly impossible to be legal, make it burdensome and expensive. THATS what this like the past infringement laws are all about....no confiscation this time......
    What needs to happen is these so-called lawmakers including frosh need to be charged with violating their oath of office and the Constitution, using the exact playbook from previous communist/socialist dictators would make it Treason against the American People....that would include the paid off communist judges too......wheres a good SA when you need one?!?!?
    Your not DEFENDING the COTUS unless your trying to prosecute those attacking it.

  37. And guess what ?? The Whites will Win LOL !!!!

  38. Rednecks on Delmarva shore as hell ain't giving up Nutti'n !!!

  39. February 19, 2019 at 9:35 PM;

    Wait in line for 2.5 hours just to have your number called, then be told you don't have a document you need by a couldn't-care -less state employee. Those MVA people have caused many a person to lose their cool over the clerk's indifference to the customer's needs. THAT"S why a cop is stationed there. That and to make the customers park where they are supposed to park. It is unbelievable how many people park illegally at the MVA.

  40. Let Mike Lewis pull you over and catch you with a un-permitted concealed weapon in the car. If he doesn't shoot you or threaten to shoot you, he is definitely going to arrest you. Don't believe his political talk. He is just jockeying for a higher elected position. Just BS politics. Lewis WILL arrest you for illegal weapons possession, no matter what he says for the cameras.

    1. True story he has the opportunity to get in the spot light and he has good people who work with him but you are right

  41. I'm not from Wicomico county,but a couple people I work with ars,they both say sheriff Lewis is a good man,one of us!!!

  42. If he really loved the Constitution and meant to uphold and protect it.....he would lead the way with Culver to make Wic a sanctuary co for the COTUS, lead the way for the western, southern and easternshore of MD to secede form the communist swamp of our nation, DC. Otherwise, its just political speak....

    1. That certainly is not a Sheriff's job

  43. In Venezuela the citizens have no guns and the military burns their food deliveries so hey stay hungry and stamped down no way that would!d happen here.

  44. Mike Lewis like the rest of this areas leaders is full of S***!! He's all about Mike Lewis and getting in front of a camera impressing everyone with big talk

  45. It’s our constitutional right to shoot and kill anyone trying to take our second amendment right

  46. This is Not Austrailia > Ain't Gonna Happen !!!!

  47. Its a very sad day when the state legislature (right/wrong/indifferent) has LEOs second guessing the law.

    Not really different from the sad arguments from the Left in Congress and the President.

    We really don't want a civil war, no we really don't.

  48. I believe that everyone has a right to hold an opinion on this matter. Which leaves me somewhat perplexed by the comments of several individuals identified in the article. Are some sheriffs saying that they will not enforce the law? If so, by what lawful authority to they claim that they refuse to uphold the law? Does the oath of office make clear that sheriffs and related law officer are obligated to enforce the law? It is a serious matter when law officers take the law into their own hands, no matter how much they disagree with the law. The United States of America is a nation of laws which require all of us to obey the law. If we cannot obey the law, we should resign our post, or work to change the law by seeking legislation to clarify the matter. Officers of the law have a difficult job, and at times, are required to confront dangers that call for bravery and a sense of duty. The public expects law officers to uphold all of the laws, not just those they agree with. Thank you.

  49. 3:24pm, The supreme law of the united states is the constitution and BoR, laws that violate these are called UN-constitutional laws...and no citizen nor leo are supposed to follow or enforce unconstitutional laws. Even children know the definition of "infringe". Your paragraph should be implied to the judges and law makers whom are violating the supreme law of the land.

  50. I have beans on the north.

  51. Just like to point out that there are a million hunters in Pennsylvania.

  52. I would just like to point out that there are a million hunters in Penna

  53. If Govt does not stop Taxing us to death
    If Govt does not throw out Reverse Discrimination for Whites

    There WILL be a civil war !!! We ain't going Socialist !!!!

  54. You do realise that once you perscribe to one side or the other you lost your freedom. Worst species on Earth arguing which side of the Turd tastes better.
    Cockroaches dont even do that. Oh and tell Roscoe that he is only one tragic traffic stop from being replaced.


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