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Saturday, January 04, 2020

Maryland lawmaker aims to reduce euthanasia in animal shelters

A bill pre-filed by a Maryland House member would set standards for animal shelters, with the goal of reaching a “save rate” of 90%.

The bill, sponsored by Del. Mark Chang, would require shelters to take a series of steps to reunite animals found as strays with their owners when possible.

The bill would require shelters to make an attempt to identify an animal by checking for license tags or microchips within 24 hours of housing the animal. They would also have to prominently post their hours and the process for owners to recover pets who end up there.



  1. Another democrat wasting your tax dollars.

  2. the maryland demonicrats are one f'd up group. Ok to kill babies but not animals!

  3. Sounds good. Wico Humane Society would rather kill animals than have the adopted. Somebody needs to reign them in.

  4. ALL should be "NO KILL" in ALL 50 states !!!

  5. January 4, 2020 at 3:48 PM:

    Then YOU pay for housing them until they die of natural causes. It's not your call.

  6. Require not only that all pet critters be tagged and vaccinated, but also microchipped. Don't let any pet, rescue, or adoption leave a vet's office or a shelter, or a pet store without a microchip. That's a good place to start.

  7. Save the animals, yet people are homeless. Hmmm....

  8. There's a neighbor in our neighborhood that captured a friendly little dog that had escaped from it's kennel (only time), and took it from Worcester County, over to Wicomico county shelter so it could be killed. The dog was not a free range dog, nor was it allowed out of the kennel unless it was on a leash.

    The dog was a son-of-a-bitch, but the neighbor was a bitch. The dog's owner got wind of what she did, and was able to retrieve the dog before it could be put down. The "bitch" had removed the dog's collar and tags before she turned it in for destruction. Yep, there are some really nasty people that live among us. And I know who this one is.

  9. 11:02 We All DO pay way too much >to our Govt >& they waist
    more than enough to keep them ALL alive !!
    Just this year our Govt waisted over 240 Billion $$$ on Illegals
    being wrongfully housed here !!! Dems waisted over 30 Mill $$$
    trying to set up Trump , which Failed !!! I can go on & on !!!

    WE are Not the Nazi's of WW2 & should Not have Death Camps in America !! Our innocent Life (animals) deserve to
    Live , just as Much as YOU !!! or anyone else Period !!!
    How would You feel in a Death camp waiting Your Turn ???????

  10. Killing (Murdering ) innocent animals Must Stop or else America
    is Not Yet Civilized ( Far from it ) !!! Fact

    Maybe America's Traitors should be Euthanized instead !!!

    Hell , the Worse of the Worse in America don't even get the
    Death Penalty ENFORCED !!! & sit on their asses in Prison !!!!

    Costing Millions of $$$$$ / Put that $$$ to save the animals
    instead !!!! There would be more than Plenty of it too !!!!

  11. All that $$$$$ Obama sent to IRAN could have SAVED ALL
    the animals in ALL the shelters !!!!

    There is Plenty of $$$$ in America / Start using it RIGHT !!!

  12. Make the RITCH like Oprah donate enough to make ALL
    Death Camps (called shelters) NO KILL !!!

    They could & should EASILY do it !!!


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