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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Late-term abortions growing more common

A report reveals some disturbing trends in the abortion business.

There are approximately 710 abortion facilities in the United States and 245 of them dispense the chemical abortion RU486, the take-home abortion method that has killed at least 24 women and sent 4,000-plus to hospital emergency rooms with serious problems, in some cases,

“Medication abortion clinics are on the rise,” says Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, “and I think we do need to do more to put restrictions on the distribution of abortion drugs.”



  1. Only our Heavenly Father can pass judgement. However, abortion is not God’s plan. Atonement is imminent.

  2. Abortion is natural selection. Let those that can procreate provide and prosper endure. Abortions are not all chubby WHITE and so cherubesque unwanted impulsive endeavors or desperate loins.

  3. Virginia's Gov. Coonman said he would be proud to deliver a full term baby and then jam a steal rod into its brain to abort it!

  4. 520 524 you are depressed. Please get some help.

  5. How late can we go?

    Because I'm voting for taking Nadler and Schiff out with a pair of scissors right now!

  6. 9:36 PM; obviously you are pro abortion at any time anywhere. You are also obviously not a Christian. Again it is not for me to judge but I am sorry for you that you have no moral compass or compassion.

  7. SCOTUS will EVENTUALLY fix this. Then it will be up to YOUR state and YOUR state's representatives to decide how to handle abortions. How it was, and how it should be. It will again be no other state's business how a state handles abortion. Let the people in that state decide. It's their right to decide matters like that.

  8. Abortion is disgusting


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