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Monday, January 27, 2020

It’s Time to Establish a National Conceal Carry — Now!

If the Constitution guarantees that our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, then it is time to bear those arms in the interest of protecting our families, lives, and orderly society.

If you live in blue-state America you have some common realities with other blue states and cities. Tax and economic policies are predatory. Life is harder for you than red-staters. And crime is on the rise.

There are also less attractive issues you are dealing with as well.

From New York City to Los Angeles, there is literally greater amounts of fecal matter coating your public streets. Homeless people are being more greatly injured—not helped. And crime is on the rise.



  1. Why does it have to be concealed carry? When I was a high school student at Pocomoke High we carried openly in our cars during hunting season. We carried openly to shop class to work on our firearms. If we had purchased a new shotgun Tom Dorman, Floyd Basset and Wes Fortney, teachers all, would gather around to admire our new purchase. What's wrong with open carry?

  2. We have one...the 2nd Amendment. Unless it's been infringed.

  3. For those who believe they need permission from the masters.

  4. 7:40 nothing, if you live in a place where everyone is exactly the same like Pocomoke High. When you suggest instituting something like a national conceal carry it means everyone can right? The crazy lady at Walmart, the trans people you are frightened of, the conspiracy theorist who believes everything Alex Jones says. Broadly interpreting the 2nd Amendment as 8:09 is doing is not only wrong but it is dangerous. Leave that to the Supreme Court, they have a liiiiiiittle more experience in the law than you.

    1. People like that crazy lady at walmart will weed themselves out in due time, for society's benefit

  5. Time this country became the united states, and federal laws are the laws, period!

  6. No it isn’t

    We don’t need permission to carry guns


  7. I don’t think people realize how many people in MD are carrying anyways.

  8. Doesn't really matter anyways...armed conflict is not far off, thus all will be armed no matter what.

  9. Hey Pocomoke. Nothing was wrong of what you and the teachers did during your high school days. Trouble only started when Obama took office and started splitting Americans over civil rights, political correct BS and inflicting negative news on our police and civil servants trying to do their jobs.

  10. Ryan passed it in the House but McConnell sat on it in the Senate.

  11. Tom Dorman was from my home town of Quantico,Md. I know him well and most all his older family . His DAD was a very well known mechanic in Quantico and his Grandfather had a blacksmith shop before my time.The non operating blacksmith shop was still there when I was a kid . BTW- TOM WAS A VERY GOOD BASEBALL PITCHER IN HIGH SCHOOL AND LATER IN THE CENTRAL SHORE LEAGUE.

    1. Thanks for the history lesson 628 I needed that knowledge

  12. 10:11, no, you are totally wrong. Just because you cannot read and understand the English language, and are ignorant of the history that brought about the 2A doesn't mean we need the SC or any other overlords to "tell" us what it means. I'm fully capable of understanding sentences.

  13. White people need it the most !!! ALL 50 states !!! & DC

  14. Our corrupt congress is terrified those guns will be turned on them, so congress will never affirm that right. Only SCOTUS can reaffirm that right to the citizens....the "right" the state legislators have taken away from America.

  15. January 27, 2020 at 10:11 AM:

    You sound just like a cop, a government bureaucrat, a democrat, or a politician, or all of them that oppose the 2nd amendment. I'm almost sure you have a concealed permit, and oppose all those unlike you to have one. But I do have faith that SCOTUS is going to eventually rule on the second amendment and stop states from infringing on that right, much to your chagrin.

    For all your blather, you seem unaware that "the crazy lady at Walmart" is unqualified for any concealed carry permit anywhere, by federal and state laws everywhere. You pretend to know sooooo much more law than the rest of us, but you know less than many. For starters, go read the Gun Control Act of 1986 (also known as the Brady Act) enacted by congress following the assassination attempt on President Reagan. Non-enforcement of current laws are the only reason that insane people can purchase weapons in this country. I'm tired of cops saying law abiding citizens can't carry weapons for our own, or our family's safety. TIRED OF IT! Cops in Maryland have the only say in whether a CC permit is issued in MD. And you sound like one of them that only want cops and their buddies to have one. SCOTUS will not shut up the proponents for 2nd amendment rights, but they will shut you up. It's coming whether you want it, or not. And no, the crazy people will not be able to get a federal CC permit unless the cops don't do their damn job.


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