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Monday, January 27, 2020

“It Went Right to the Top – What They Did Was So Illegal – Never Been Anything Like This!” – President Trump Accuses Obama of ILLEGAL SPYING on His Campaign

President Trump broke the internet this week with this tweet.

President Donald Trump sat down with Maria Bartiromo this week during his travel to Davos, Switzerland.

Bartiromo ran the interview on Sunday Morning Futures this weekend.

During their conversation President Trump accused Obama of illegal spying on his campaign.



  1. Like Barry did the spying.

    Barry’s bosses kept an eye on Mr Trump who was Hillary’s good friend. They helped him help her win the election.

    But then we know what happened on Sept 11, 2016 so Mr Trump had to play the character of POTUS.

    The rest is uninteresting history.

    1. Hey 10:48, what did you bump your head on? I want to avoid what you're going through

  2. As has been said, “Power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” There now seems to be no doubt that Obama and his minions actually believed that they could use some of our Country’s most powerful agencies to do their bidding. How arrogant? The only course to restore the integrity in our government and the faith in our government by the American people will be to hold Obama and his minions accountable 100% for their violations of our Constitution and laws. Truly as the Democrats say, no one should be above the law. Such disgraceful, illegal and horrendous behavior CANNOT go unpunished.

  3. Obama = America's Enemy # 1 !!!! Hillary is # 2

  4. Does anyone really think at, even if guilty of spying, that Barry would be tried?

  5. He wasnt spying he wanted to know what dirt Trump's people had on he and Hildabeast. Ohbammy was so nervous he was smoking a pack of new ports a day.

  6. He won't even be looked at for any improprieties. Obama knows that too! Hillary also. They are above the law.

  7. Time they are brought back down to earth & OUT of their cloud

  8. Evidence speaks for itself


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