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Monday, January 27, 2020

Iraqis hang effigies of Donald Trump and denounce 'US terrorism' in Baghdad as they demand the expulsion of US troops - but calls for 'million man march' fall flat as just thousands rally

Tens of thousands of Iraqis marched through Baghdad today demanding the expulsion of US troops, some hanging effigies of Donald Trump.

However, populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's calls for a 'million man march' fell well short and the crowds dissipated after a few hours.

It comes after a US drone strike in the Iraqi capital killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani on January 3 and subsequent strikes on Iran-backed shi'ite militia.

Sadr kept his march well away from the US Embassy - which was stormed last month - and Tahrir Square, the scene of ongoing anti-government protests.



  1. No more Help for them then !!!! & Take the oil wells !!!!

  2. Those Damn Ungrateful Demons should have been left to
    Saddam !!!!

    They were begging us to come & save them then !!!!!
    If He were in power, they would not Dare do anything or he
    would have them Shot !!!!

  3. Iraqis have the same problem as Americans.

    It is very difficult to get populations moving even when the criminality is right in front of their faces.

  4. They should be using EFFIGIES of Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff
    Nadler & the rest of the
    Mis-Managers !!!! LOL

  5. 8:59 then they would easily have a MILLION man march !!!

  6. looks like Iraq has Democrats also

  7. We went over and died for them to be released from the tyranny of the Taliban and defending them from their enemies, and this is how they thank us. What a useless people. Muslims are never good allies, no matter where they are.

    1. Taliban?! Wrong country pop-pop

  8. They are a CULT Not a Legitimate Religion !!!


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