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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Hunter Biden tops GOP Senate impeachment witness wish list

Senate Republicans say Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, is the first person they think the President Trump’s defense team should call as a witness if they get a chance in the upcoming impeachment trial of Trump.

Seven House managers named by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday will present their case in the Senate trial, set to start Jan. 21. It's an open question whether they'll get to call witnesses to bolster their case for two impeachment counts against Trump in the Ukraine military aid affair.

Senate Democrats are clamoring for witnesses, starting with former Trump administration national security adviser John Bolton. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York also wants testimony from acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, Associate Director for National Security at the Office of Management and Budget Michael Duffey, and administration official Robert Blair.



  1. Joe "bite me" biden's presidential hopes are dashed...and President Trump is the whistle blower... brilliant !!!

  2. Lev Parnas is about to be a true patriot.

  3. YES !!! Now it is time for us Real Americans to have Our Fun

    in the Senate Hearings & call the Real Criminals to the stand to
    testify Under Oath & have our Turn !!! Example >>>

    Biden Father & son / Pelosi /Schumer / Schiff / Nadler & more

    Hillary /Obama / Comey / Clapper / Brennan / Lynch to name
    a few would be GREAT CHOICES to Bring DOWN the Anti-
    American Traitor SWAMP once & for ALL !!!!

    Let the Senate Hearings BEGIN >>>> LOVE IT !!!

  4. This time there is even a REAL Judge from the supreme court
    WOOOO !!!

    Maybe this time ,even REAL Court rules may APPLY instead
    of the House style of making their own rules as they go !!!
    WOOOO !!!!

    Can't wait to see those damn Democrats start sweating !!!!
    WOOOO !!!!

    Trump 2020 MAGA Bidens are Going DOOOWN !!!!!

  5. 7:28 good one. Unfortunately you should want Biden to stay in the race as he stands the worst chance of defeating Trump. Not a thinker are you...

    1. Naww 7:28 - none of the remaining Dem hopefuls stand a chance against POTUS. Although, I have to agree it would be highly entertaining to watch POTUS torture that poor shmuck!

  6. Democrat operatives will figure a way out of anyone testifying they always do with no consequences.

  7. I've been advised by my counsel to invoke my 5th amendment. BUT, I am not guilty of anything.


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