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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Judge rules that Hunter Biden IS the father of DC stripper's 17-month-old baby - who has the initials NJR and will not take Biden's name - and orders the child's birth certificate to be updated after DNA test proved paternity

Hunter Biden is the legal father of a 17-month-old, according to an Arkansas judge ruling on Tuesday.

Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer said that DNA testing determined that Biden is the father of Lunden Roberts' child with 'near scientific certainty.'

A new birth certificate will be issued naming Biden as the father of NJR and the case will remain open while the rest of the issues are resolved between the two.

Judge Holly Meyer, who took over the case after Judge Don McSpadden recused himself on New Years Eve, asked Biden's lawyers on Friday to send over papers that redacted the name of the child, whose gender is being kept secret.



  1. Typical liberal POS

  2. Pretty gross to sleep with a stripper/prostitute without protection.

    1. But, But, But

      the 2 minutes it took me felt good

  3. Child support overdue

  4. The DuPonts wanted to keep this one quiet.
    The Biden side of their family is really hurting their already sorid reputation.

  5. No damn DNA test was even needed, everyone knew, without a doubt, it was his kid. How many more out there Hunter? Just like his POS Father, rotten to the core.

  6. Replies
    1. 10:05 Bill Clinton

    2. Stormy Daniels wouldn't stoop that low

  7. That boy will stick it anywhere. Including his brother's widow. Yep just that that creepy father of his. Bo was the only good thing to come out of that blood line.


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