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Friday, January 17, 2020

Grassroots organizers urge lawmakers to pass Kirwan recommendations

BALTIMORE —There's more public support coming out of Baltimore City for lawmakers to pass the much-talked-about Kirwan recommendations.

The head of the Kirwan Commission was among those promoting the education proposals.

Rallies are expected to pop up across the state as local leaders, students and parents try to make their case for public support of the Kirwan recommendations.

A passionate plea for funding is being made by the man who personally identifies with the education commission.



  1. That's because most of the Baltimorons won't have to pay for it!
    Another example of why we should have the electoral college here at the state level as well as the federal....a few communities have more votes than the rest of the state!

  2. Dumping more money into a failed school system is not the answer.
    We are already overtaxed as it is right now.

    I would rather see the money that is spent right now in some kind of school voucher system to allow middle class and poor parents an opportunity to allow their child to go to a school of their choice instead of a failed government run school that doesn't teach, but indoctrinates our kids with socialist propaganda.

    Dumping more money won't solve the problems of violence and a bloated board of education system that is unaccountable to the taxpayers of this state.

    I am tired to having to pay more and more in local, state and property taxes to support a system that doesn't benefit anyone but the top bureaucrats that work in the school system!

    Allow competition through school choice like the marketplace, and I am certain conditions will improve without having to raise everyone's taxes to the hilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. An investment in education, no matter what is proposed, will not work until the board of ed,teachers and law makers are able to gain control of out of control students. Waste of time and money. Your best students cannot learn in the present environment.

  4. More jail and tougher sentencing

  5. Schools don't have any control over what comes into their buildings. When you can't control the input, there is no way to make good output. No amount of money fixes that.

  6. Look at the salaries of top DOE employees then look at what they have not done. The DOE is a corrupt money grabbing system that does NOTHING but exists. You have teachers buying drugs, having sex and molesting children not all TEACHERS are bad but there shouldn't be any teachers with drug habits or addictions, touching kids or having any kind of sexual relationship and teaching in the schools. The to highest budgets for any county are jails and education it's getting harder to tell the difference DOE is a failed system that money will not change.

  7. This probably be as bad or worse than Common Core...

  8. No more money for failing school systems.

  9. "The Kirwan Commission would address years of underfunding for Baltimore City schools and other districts across the state," said Baltimore City student Christian Ato.

    Students said they'll remain on the front lines when it comes to pushing to fund the commission recommendations.

    Where in the hell did they get their information? Students will be on the front lines to push for funding? Its not a students place to push to fund anything. This is not good for Md or the students. Especially not for the tax payers. Baltimore underfunded? They get a nice chunk of funding and have for years. Don't be fooled by these jackasses. If Baltimore had some accountability of where all the money is going maybe they would be in a position to share with the rest of the state. They get more then enough. Get ready to hand over your wallets. Pugh needs to feed Healthy Holly some more.


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