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Monday, January 20, 2020

Electoral College Is on Trial at the Supreme Court—Just in Time for 2020 Election

The Supreme Court agreed to decide a case on Friday that could upset the Electoral College. The decision will likely come just as the 2020 campaign accelerates to a fever pitch.

NBC reports:
The answer to the question could be a decisive one: Are the electors who cast the actual Electoral College ballots for president and vice president required to follow the results of the popular vote in their states? Or are they free to vote as they wish?
While pundits and talking heads always complain about a nightmare scenario where a "faithless elector" could upend a presidential election by refusing to vote the way the state did, it has never actually happened, at least not where it made a difference.
More than half the states have laws requiring electors to obey the results of the popular vote in their states and cast their ballots accordingly. The problem of what are known as "faithless electors" has not been much of an issue in American political history, because when an elector refuses to follow the results of a state's popular vote, the state usually simply throws the ballot away.


  1. Marylander's should pay close attention. Last election Trump won the majority of votes but the dumbocrats gave all ten electoral votes to crooked hiliary. You better believe these crooks are planning something similar this election because other wise they couldn't beat him. Watch out for the disgusting dems.

  2. better NOT change anything. period!


  3. The majority of Americans don't realize just how much POWER & MONEY the Democrats make off illegal aliens being in our country, even without voter fraud.
    This is why they created 'Sanctuary' cities and states. Simply by including their numbers as part of the population in the US Census, they get MOUNTAINS of money from the federal government and for every 770,000 illegal aliens in their Democrat-controlled area they get a seat in the US House of Representatives apportioned to their area following the census. A new analysis finds that immigration will dramatically reshape the Electoral College map in favor of the Democratic Party after completion of the 2020 U.S. Census.

  4. Sorry 2:51, Hillary won 60% of popular vote in MD in 2016. I wish it had been Trump.

  5. This whole argument makes no sense. The electors are chosen by the party that wins the popular vote. Said electors should be vetted by the party to prevent them from jumping ship and voting against the will of the party.


  6. 60% huh. I wonder how many were alive.

  7. Get a clue:

    The votes will be cast on an ATM that does not dispense a receipt.

    Think about it

  8. It should be the Democrats ON TRIAL before 2020 election !!!

  9. The College is NOT going ANYWHERE !!!!

    & neither is TRUMP 2020 baby !!!!!


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