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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dems rush to implicate Trump for plane crash

In the wake of claims that an errant missile fired by Iran brought down a passenger jet earlier this week, some Democrats and media voices have appeared to make the case that President Trump at least shares in the blame for the death of 176 civilians.

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., pointedly laid the blame for the tragedy at Trump's feet, in an interview Thursday.

“If what is being projected is true, this is yet another example of collateral damage from the actions that have been taken in a provocative way by the president of the United States,” Speier told CNN.

This, following a similar suggestion from Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg overnight, which appeared to assert a butterfly-effect argument that if the president had not ordered the U.S. military strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran would not have retaliated, and therefore, the passenger jet would not have been shot down.




  1. Just plain hateful beings. They have no soul.

  2. Well, at least Democrats are consistent with not letting facts get in the way. I guess they missed the part where, after a lot of international scrutiny about what the black box will reveal, the Iranians admitted they accidentally shot down the plane.

  3. Who is falling for this silly story?
    Geez, the mind control in the media

  4. One problem Iran came forward for the death in that plane.

  5. Makes no sense to try to blame Trump because Iranians killing and attacking Americans is what led to the extinction of their military general.

  6. When obummer was president we heard eight years of "It's Bush's fault"

  7. Anyone could have guessed Iran would blame Trump along
    with Democrats !!!! Screw them ALL !!!!

    Iran is the ONLY one who shot it down , it's on THEM !!!

  8. HOW can it be his fault? Think about it!

  9. Just randomly shooting missiles in the air is bound to hit something.

  10. soon there will be dozens of iranians in congress

  11. They RUSH to Blame Trump for EVERYTHING because he
    is SAVING US ALL from them & they ARE the Swamp to be
    Cleaned Out of D.C. !!!!! & they know it

  12. They will soon be "RUSHING" to get a Lawyer to keep them
    out of jail & prison !!!!


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