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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Democrat Mark Warner won't say whether Nancy Pelosi impeachment strategy is smart

Average voters casually following the impeachment melodrama of the last have likely asked themselves: What the hell just happened? What was this all for?

Democrats in Congress are pretending that their stall in the process is about negotiating a "fair" trial, but they know they have no say in how the Senate trial goes because they're not in power, just as Republicans had no say in the House impeachment investigation went because they weren't in power there.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declining to send the two impeachment articles to the Senate nothing but an acknowledgment of the absolute powerless state Democrats are now in and of the waste of time that impeachment always was.



  1. He can't say anything about it because he is an idiot and too stupid to know anything!

  2. I see what you did there mister editor...

  3. She is just trying to Protect all their Dirty Democrat asses !!!!!

    From having to testify & Uncover all their CRIMES !!!!!


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