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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Criminalizing free speech online? Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that

Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that. And by “that,” I mean a chilling crackdown on free speech in the name of combating disinformation online.

On Wednesday, the 2020 candidate released a plan that would impose criminal and civil penalties on those who are deemed guilty of spreading “disinformation.” In a tweet unveiling the plan, she said, “Disinformation and online foreign interference erode our democracy, and Donald Trump has invited both.” The Massachusetts Democrat continued, “Anyone who seeks to challenge and defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election must be fully prepared to take this on—and I've got a plan to do it.”

There is a real issue with people believing fake or misleading information they see online. And it is true that Russian actors exploited this trend in an attempt to sway or at least influence people's thinking during the 2016 presidential election, even though there’s little evidence they actually made any difference (beyond getting a few thousand clicks on odd Jesus-themed pro-Trump memes and other silly content).



  1. Damn she'd have to lock up the entire CNN grounds

  2. People had better be paying attention to all of the plans that the National Socialists wanna-be dictators will use to turn this country into a socialist/communist hell hole. Keep your powder dry.

  3. Lenin and Hitler gave the world notice of the damage that they were going to do. So listen carefully when one after another of the fruitcakes tells you that they intend to bring Chinese and Soviet style communism to this country. If people do not get off their butts and vote in big numbers, then they will take over the country. And if not in 2020, then in 2024. Keep vigilant.

  4. What a stupid woman! She really needs to crawl back into her hole if this is on her agenda.

  5. Coonman Northam is pushing a bill to silence criterium of any Virginia public official on social media or speech.

  6. All Leftmedia would be fine it’s only conservative talk she feels it’s hate speech just like the furor.

  7. DNC paid a foreign spy who paid Russia and Ukraine for fake information to interfere with election. Did the fake Indian forget that ?

  8. She is farting in the wind

    trying to smell her fart

    she is not going anywhere , nor is Bernie Fernie

  9. American Voters have a plan to Get RID of Her & her fellow
    Demon-crats 2020 !!!!!

  10. Time to CRIMINALIZE the Democrat Traitors & their actions !!!

  11. She is the CRIMINAL !!!

  12. What Planet does she think she is on ???


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