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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Crazed protester shouts 'Schumer is the devil' from Senate during impeachment trial - as senators are given cards telling them to tell demonstrators: 'Don't touch me.'

President Trump's Senate impeachment trial got another jolt of energy Wednesday evening when a protester was ejected after yelling out in the chamber – then ranted about Sen. Charles Schumer and the devil in a Senate corridor.

The man was booted from the chamber at about 6:20 evening, shortly before senators were going to take a dinner break while hearing the case for impeachment by House managers.

After yelling what one source heard to be about Jesus Christ, the man was quickly removed by U.S. Capitol Police, who have been out in force for impeachment.



  1. rest assured; he was paid to make the Republicans/Trump look bad...follow the money.

    1. How? He was ranting at a Democrat.

  2. Not one ounce of untruth spoken. Wake up!!the swamp creatures are luciferians They the progressive left and democrats are the real liers, deceivers and true haters

  3. I just looked at his picture. He's kinda hot. 😘

    The picture of him sitting in a tree. Not so much.

  4. And the The 28th district of california is a cancer if they re elect that moron we should send in troops. No way they are americans to send that shiftturd to back in office

  5. And the The 28th district of california is a cancer if they re elect that moron we should send in troops. No way they are americans to send that shiftturd to back in office

  6. And the The 28th district of california is a cancer if they re elect that moron we should send in troops. No way they are americans to send that shiftturd to back in office

  7. 28th district of california include hollywood go figure but This smuck schumer has the east coast equivlant...its the districts that vote these idiots in who should be shamed. Will their money keep them from being voted out! Or is soros and other subversive commie pigs funding this cancer.

  8. Well, he is, ain't he?


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