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Tuesday, January 07, 2020

CNN silent about correspondent Andrew McCabe apologizing for lying to investigators

CNN pundit Andrew McCabe apologized for lying to federal investigators concerning a 2016 leak to The Wall Street Journal about the Hillary Clinton email probe, but you wouldn't know it if you were tuning in to his employer.

Transcripts released last week revealed McCabe’s apology, which underscores his legal jeopardy as U.S. Attorney John Durham continues the Justice Department's criminal probe into potential bureau misconduct.

The transcripts released by the Justice Department specifically raised the possibility that ex-Deputy FBI Director McCabe, now a paid CNN commentator, could face a false statements charge similar to the one leveled against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

CNN had not covered news of McCabe’s apology in regards to the Wall Street Journal leak through Monday morning, according to a search of the network’s transcripts.

More here



  1. This pos doesn't get arrested BUT FLYNN DOES.???


  2. And Gen. Flynn didn't really do anything except cave in to tremendous pressure to keep them from ruining his son too.

    He was set up.

  3. Flynn knew better McCabe did not.

  4. Everyone needs to stay on CNN this is not the only false info they have put out. Loose lips will sink their ship.

  5. If the Justice Department has a case against McCabe then they need to charge him and prosecute him. General Flynn is a disgrace to himself and to this country. He sold out the country for a few shekels and got caught then lied about it. Put him in cell one.


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