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Monday, January 27, 2020

CDC Monitoring 110 People in 26 States for Coronavirus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S. is monitoring 110 people located in 26 states for the coronavirus.

Thirty-two of those have tested negative for the virus, five have tested positive. Tests are pending for 73 cases, the CDC said Monday.

The five who tested positive recently traveled to China. U.S. health officials say there is no sign yet that the virus is spreading inside the U.S. to those who have not traveled to China. But that could change, according to officials.

“We understand that many people in the United States are worried about this virus and how it will affect Americans,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on a conference call with reporters Monday. “Every day we learn more. Every day we assess to see if our guidance or our response can be improved.”

The virus is novel, meaning it is new and medical scientists still have much to learn about it.



  1. CDC ? Is that the Clinton Death Committee ?

  2. This is NOT being taken seriously by the USA watch what HAPPENS.

  3. the cdc has a test for this virus already? when do they test people? after they start showing symptoms? well that`s at least 2 weeks too late since it was reported today that the virus can be spread up to 2 weeks before the person shows any symptoms, oops, talk about closing the barn door after the horses have already got out.

    1. So what's your solution 12:02, test 7 million people ?

  4. What a bunch of liars!!

  5. 11:26 how is it not being taken seriously?

    12:02 Real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction or rRT-PCR for short :) It essentially detects parts of the viruses RNA (think DNA for viruses if you don't know what RNA is) in a sample. You are correct that humans can be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. There is no magic bullet and if anything this stresses the importance of effective communication and a strong local health system.

  6. 7:56 you better not say the RNA stuff, that will make you look crazy and as a conspiracy theorist for knowing what science is and how it works, and all of those who know everything about nothing will demonize you for actually knowing something smart!!!!

  7. keep those borders open. all planes from china should land in california


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