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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Cardin: National Security Concerns Shouldn't Keep Bolton From Testifying

Sen. Ben Cardin Wednesday disagreed with President Donald Trump's argument that national security concerns should preclude former national security adviser John Bolton from testifying in the Senate's impeachment trial.

"We would have to consider those matters, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't call Mr. Bolton," the Maryland Democrat told Fox News' "America's Newsroom." "He has critical information."

Bolton declined to participate in the House impeachment inquiry hearings, but says he is willing to appear before the Senate if he is subpoenaed.

But Trump argued Wednesday, during a news conference in Davos, Switzerland, that there are several concerns about Bolton testifying, but admitted that he didn't leave the White House "on good terms."



  1. Consider the soucre that old tard cardin...a commie POS

  2. Not Cardin's call what is "privileged" and protected testimony. I am so ashamed of the people that Baltimore keeps putting in the Senate. I am a lifelong resident and citizen of Maryland, and Cardin has never represented my interests. Just that murderous, shithole, rat infested Baltimore's interests. With all the problems Baltimore has as the murder capital of the USA, you would think a Senator of Maryland would be addressing those issues and trying to make Baltimore a safer place for it's citizens to live. Nooooo, he's just concerned about trying to remove a sitting president, and overturning the will of the people that elected him. He was a sleaze Representative, and now he's a sleaze Senator.

  3. Bolton cannot be trusted to tell the truth - remember he was fired because he didn't agree with Trump's foreign policies.

  4. They had their chance to get him or anyone else at the
    House Kangaroo hearings !!! NO More They are DONE !!!!


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