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Saturday, January 25, 2020

CAN’T HIDE THIS: Times Square Billboard Runs Joe Biden Clip Threatening Ukraine

The Committee to Defend the President—one of America’s largest pro-Trump super PACs—is running a new billboard in New York City, criticizing Democrat candidate Joe Biden over the Ukraine scandal.

The billboard, located at 1500 Broadway and 43rd Street, is two-sided and both sides will feature the video of Biden admitting to withholding aid to Ukraine until its government fired the prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter.

Click HERE for the video


  1. senile old joe can`t remember all of the crappy 2 faced things he has done and said in his long political career and he`s hoping the voters won`t remember either when they go to the voting booth this year.

  2. Good Timing !!!! LOL

  3. Play that in the SENATE this week !!!!


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