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Monday, January 27, 2020

California homeowners hit with $20K bill to clean up homeless camp

Homeowners in Northern California were charged for the cost of clearing a homeless camp after Alameda County revealed that the mess had crossed onto their property lines.

Walsh Property Management, which oversees the homeowners association near the homeless camp in Lakewood, a small subdivision of 75 houses in Castro Valley, was forced to charge each homeowner in the association $300 to cover the bill for the cleanup of trash and waste from a former homeless camp.

The camp had been reported to Alameda County in October 2017. The government cleared out the encampment but notified the residents in August 2019 that they would be responsible for the expense because part of the camp was on Walsh’s property line.



  1. Awesome, when the illegals and homeless start getting into the elites pocketbooks their bleeding hearts will stop bleeding

  2. Enjoy your democrat vote.

  3. HOA`s a bunch of amateur part time wanna be politicians making you pay for their mistakes.you deserve every bad thing that happens to you if you are living in a HOA community.

  4. Welcome to socialism

  5. All of these blights on CA are kind of like things from the Bible...No? Locusts, plague, floods : homelessness, earthquakes, fires.

  6. Make the Govt there Pay for it !!!! Democrat's Fault !!!!

    1. Hey 8:50, Where does the government get their money?
      Think much ??

  7. couldnt happen to a better bunch

  8. Most of them need to be in mental hospital.but i guess california is like one big mental ward. So never mind its all good they all got what they voted for!!!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey 8:50, Where does the government get their money?
    Think much ??

    January 28, 2020 at 10:11 AM

    I would rather doubt it.


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