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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

AOC claims there were 'almost no police officers' at Virginia Second Amendment rally

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wondered why there were "almost no police officers" at a Second Amendment rally in Virginia that saw a heavy police presence.

Thousands of gun rights advocates demonstrated in Richmond, Virginia, on Monday in protest of a series of gun control bills proposed by Democrats. While speaking the same day at Blackout for Human Rights: MLK Now 2020 in Harlem's Riverside Church, the New York Democrat criticized the rally.

"There's this gun rights protest happening down in Richmond," she began as the event's host said, "On MLK day!"

"On MLK day!" Ocasio-Cortez said before contrasting the Richmond rally with the Baltimore, Maryland, riots following the 2015 death of Freddie Gray while he was in police custody.



  1. She is a special kind of stupid , the cops are on our side !

  2. Nobody needed enhanced police protection.

  3. She is good example of what happens when you smoke too much wacky weed... you lose IQ points... scientific fact.

  4. You stupid girl. You stupid, stupid girl. There are 2 reasons for the lack of police officers at the 2 Amendment Rights Rally. #1 - Police believe in the 2A and have no intention of enacting any orders to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. #2 - Police officers understood this was going to be a peaceful demonstration so why waste their time bothering to show up? The police have more important things to do like catching criminals. You stupid girl.

  5. hey dummy the police are on the side of the Constitution that they swore an oath on, Maybe you and your loonie Dummycrats should try it.

  6. Because they were also protesting officially and unofficially... ignorance of these snowflakes is astounding. They only see what they want to hear. And speak directly from their posteriors.

  7. The only reason police presence would have been required is if the Antifa scum made their presence known. Otherwise it looks like it was self policing.

  8. You idiot Liberal. No police because you don't need them when you have law abiding citizens at a peaceful protest. You need them for the .Liberal protest where they riot and burn vehicles and do illegal things like that.Notice the difference.

  9. No police were needed as most were armed.


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