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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Viewer Writes.........Teachers Assaulted At Parkside. (11-17-19)

Station 2 and Salisbury EMS were dispatched to Parkside High School for (4) teachers that were assaulted.  Two ambulances and a fire truck were dispatched to the scene.


  1. Dr. Hanlin needs to resign! Dr. Hanlin is doing NOTHING to make our schools safe!

    1. Leaders lead or they leave! Time for her to go.

    2. Parents need to step up and hold there kids accountable, respect, manners.

    3. First of all I go to parkside one of the fights had to do with this boy bullying a gay boy I feel like the staff don’t do anything to keep us safe because this is the second time my friend got assaulted and harassed and bullied parkside isn’t all that great like they claim to be we had 9 fights this year did they tell our parents no

    4. Based on the poor grammar and lack of punctuation by this Parkside student, it seens they're no longer teaching proper writing essentials in these public schools.

    5. No doubt. That was one horrendous run on sentence.

    6. Teachers can't do anything! They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. They ALWSYS take the brunt. They take crap from overprivelaged brats, their entitled parents and the body Board. It's NOT their job to raise or coddle students, they are supposed to teach and he supported in this endeavor! Parents are supposed to raise them and administration is supposed to discipline them. Yet, everyone is running eith their tails tucked because the brats know they can do whatever and get away with it because they have NO respect for anyone, especially themselves. Everyone is afraid of being sued or called a racist or prejudiced. When all teachers want to do is teach!

  2. God forgive me,but it's the Board of Ed. that needs to be assaulted.( and not
    the teachers.)

  3. These schools are completely out of control.

  4. Salisbury and all the schools are ghetto. Wicomico County School rank at the bottom for the entire State. All good though as long as people have new cars and trucks, who cares what school your child attends.

  5. I've done some research about females in high offices , looks bad people . Too sympathetic about everything , hell look at Germany , California , Salisbury police , on and on on . wake up people.

    1. Well too, the tampon crowd can't keep their emotions in check either.

  6. The "public education system" is a JOKE. It needs to be COMPLETELY DONE AWAY WITH.

  7. Agree schools are completely out of control

  8. Parents need to pull their students from wicomico county schools in a show of unity and demand a safe environment for teachers and students

    1. If parents pulled their children out of Wicomico County schools...there’d be a safe environment you idiot.

  9. Time to close schools and do home schooling every where

    1. How would parents work to provide?

    2. No home schooling just get rid of the delinquents and ones who don't want to be there. If you're 16 and acting the fool, suspension if it doesn't help expulsion. Those under 16, put in reform school. These "children" need to learn their place and that they are not in charge. They're not interested in learning if they're being disrespectful and fighting, so why have them there? STOP blaming the teachers and put the blame where it needs to be..
      The kids, parents and BOE! They have tied teachers hands and their lives shouldn't be ruined because they chose to be teachers!

    3. At 12:41. I didn't read anywhere in this article where anybody was blaming the teachers.

    4. What would the board of Ed members and teachers do without being able to steal gift cards given to them to give to the kids? Where would they get the money for lavish dinners outs? Where would they get board credit cards to abuse? How would Paul Butler ever find another $80K a year job in Salisbury?

  10. I cannot believe what the Wicomico middle and high schools have degenerated into. As a retired high school teacher (after 40 years), I would think that a lot of Parkside teachers will have a hard time showing up for school Monday morning. I'm pretty sure that Parkside will have a shortage of substitutes next week. If my wife (also a high school teacher) taught there, I would beg her not to go to work. I think Florida has the right idea. Let the teachers carry a firearm. That would probably deter these thugs from this type of appalling behavior.

    1. Lol. The incident started with two gay boys fighting. Your opinion is to shoot them? Hell, a good smack would be more than enough.

    2. Agreed. This whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I was in high school 20+ years ago and there were plenty of fights just not social media to expose it to the world.

  11. Kids today think nothing can happen to them and they are right. Teachers and administrators can't do anything to them. Let there be punishments that fit the crime and you will see control. Parents need to do their job of parenting as well. It's not the school's job to teach respect and morals. That starts are home.

  12. Too bad that the teachers can't defend themselves. If they had an opportunity to do so, maybe these kids wouldn't be so anxious to attack. They know that there are no consequences for their actions, so they take advantage of that fact.

    1. Right and if one gives a good ol fashion warranted can of whoop ass they lose their job and catch a charge. I'm 43 and had I attacked a teacher they probably would knocked my head off and then my mom and family would came and kept knocking it off every time they got it back on. No matter ur feelings you never attacked an adult. Those were rare occurrences, and when it happend u never saw that child/teen again and it reinforced to us what could happen bla, consequences.

    2. You say this but would your want a teacher beating up your child like that substitute teacher in Austin a couple weeks ago? The woman stomped on the 16 year old’s head after throwing her to the group, whaling on her.

  13. Things would be a whole lot better if you could punch these kids in the face because according to Mike Tyson, we all have a plan until you get punched in the mouth.

  14. And what do you propose would make the schools safer? Sounding tough on a blog? How about some ideas.

    1. Start expelling bad seeds and banning them from all school activities and on the grounds. Let their parents send them to military school like they did back in the day. Quit placating BS just to get federal $$$$. Use your GD brain for something other than a hat rack for a change.

  15. Yea how's that KIRWIN report BS looking now?? You've totally sold this city down the shitter for all your progressive liberal BS and your city is quickly become turning in Baltimore City) county School system

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Hug a Thug.

  18. NOTHING will be done as LONG as the PARENTS SO NOTHING.

  19. NOTHING will be done as LONG as the PARENTS DO NOTHING.

    1. That's the problem there aren't very many Real parents that have parenting skills

    2. 127

      both parents are in jail

    3. This is the outcome when you imprison nearly an entire generation.

  20. And the union thinks we need more money. WE NEED DISCIPLINE AND THROW OUT THE TROUBLEMAKERS. We don't need more money for positions at central office.

  21. 160 million dollar budget for this kind of nonsense? It's a good thing 90% of salisbury/wicomico county is rentals because you won't be able to afford the property taxes when these local idiots get done raising your taxes for an even higher budget and this kirwin commission BS coming. A bunch of liars and thieves from your mayor to your county council

  22. Is this happening in other schools? Does Somerset, Worcester or Delmar High School have these issues also?

    1. Yes, Worcester has these issues too. They are just very good at hiding them.

    2. Nope, not Delmar. They may have problems but not like the County schools. Walk in during the day and the halls are clear and kids are in class where they belong- in uniform. Their phone are taken if they are seen or even heard in a backpack. Not saying it is perfect by any means but if it were as bad as the Wicomico schools you would know it.

  23. 1:11
    I guess you don't read comments. PUNISH THEM! Hold them accountable, hold their parents accountable, remove them from the school. There is no reason why kids that behave should have to put up with kids that are disrupting school.

    1. Look at the thug's in school. Look at the thug parents of these thug's. Then look at the thug adminstration who is supposed to protect everybody from the thug's. See a pattern?? THUG'S.

    2. Society won't let you discipline your kids. Everything gets you reported to Child Protective Services or cops. They took God out of school and discipline away from parents.

  24. Fake news
    Im a student there and saw the fight first hand. The teachers involved were taken to hospital so they can get paid leave. This school is a joke.

    1. I'm guessing you're a problem child too!

    2. Another 19 yo freshman I presume.

    3. Maybe a entitled, new generation, do as i (the child) say, not as i should, raised child.

    4. Sweetheart, teachers get paid leave to just taking the day off. By the time sub plans are done, a teacher would rather be at school.
      It is also protocol.

    5. Definitely a 19 year old Freshman with no respect. Why were you not in your class? Groupie watching a horrible fight. Disgusting.

    6. Hence you running your mouth is part of the problem you uneducated brat.

  25. Makes me extremely mad that we find out from our kids and nothing from the school.

  26. Anonymous said...
    God forgive me,but it's the Board of Ed. that needs to be assaulted.( and not
    the teachers.)

    November 15, 2019 at 12:16 PM


  27. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury and all the schools are ghetto. Wicomico County School rank at the bottom for the entire State. All good though as long as people have new cars and trucks, who cares what school your child attends.

    November 15, 2019 at 12:27 PM

    And what do you suggest?

    1. Private school, move so your kids go to a better school. Think about it.

    2. Segregation.

      The “great experiment” has failed. Time to let people go with their own, or not, as they choose.

      Integration has brought us all down.

    3. You are right! Old school Black teachers did not tolerate bs and disrespectful behavior. Caucasians pacify kids and put mental health labels on them. Tell them they can do what they want etc.,

    4. Because if they try to discipline the black kids, they're called racist and sued! Idiot.

    5. Any white teacher cant discipline a black child period for the fear of being labeled a racist and losing there job. Wont take you long to look at statistics or walk through a school and see that the problem children are majority black. Especially considering the population difference. Starts at home.

  28. What does Jake Day have to say since he thinks these are his schools in Salisbury?

  29. As much as I hated him, this $hit didn't happen as often under John Fredericksen's leadership. At least he would expel these thugs.

    1. Uhhhm...yes it did.

    2. The DOJ mandates were implemented in his later yrs.

    3. One of the reasons he retired!

  30. Anonymous said...
    Is this happening in other schools? Does Somerset, Worcester or Delmar High School have these issues also?

    November 15, 2019 at 1:32 PM

    If it was you would be hearing about it on this blog.

  31. You don't hear about this crap happening in the Private Schools!

    Time for school vouchers, time for school choice!

    1. You do if you have kids there. Maybe not as much violence... but more drugs and sex acts. Mostly swept bye bye, as it's private.

    2. 7:09- 100% factually wrong. I know many in private schools. Your statement is B.S.

  32. Why are all 3 of these high schools in the Ghetto of Salisbury? Why doesn't the East side of Wicomico County have their own high school? There should be another high school back in Pittsville! Pittsville should have never lost their high school. Shame on those thugs who run the school system.

    1. Because then the ghetto would be on the East side.
      Roaches follow the food.

    2. No they wouldn’t either. Willards Elementary and Pittsville Middle School doesn’t have these problems.

      It isn’t the schools that are the problem. It’s what they are filled with.

  33. Parkside High School principal is a female. The Superintendent of Schools is a female. Need I say more?

    1. I wish you would as your statement is meaningless. Please, impart more of your wisdom upon us.

    2. No. You have said enough for us all to know you are a pure idiot.

    3. The principal at Parkside is a JOKE. The students have ZERO respect for her and laugh in her face when she attempts to exert discipline. You should hear the way she tries to coax them into complying with her requests. Leadership must be firm and no nonsense. Absolutely lacking at PHS. So mostly she hides in her office and is never in the hallways during change of class. A 'leader' who expects other staff to maintain discipline while she has already set a tone of tolerance.

  34. I am so glad my kids graduated from that sh!thole.

  35. Anonymous said...
    I cannot believe what the Wicomico middle and high schools have degenerated into. As a retired high school teacher (after 40 years), I would think that a lot of Parkside teachers will have a hard time showing up for school Monday morning. I'm pretty sure that Parkside will have a shortage of substitutes next week. If my wife (also a high school teacher) taught there, I would beg her not to go to work. I think Florida has the right idea. Let the teachers carry a firearm. That would probably deter these thugs from this type of appalling behavior.

    November 15, 2019 at 12:56 PM

    You are correct! Time for teachers to carry a firearm. It's also time to discipline these bad little thugs the way we used to discipline them. Time for expulsion and no more free education for these thugs. That's correct. By law, Wicomico County Board of Ed has to educate all kids that are expelled and this means a one on one with the thug or thugette.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Yea how's that KIRWIN report BS looking now?? You've totally sold this city down the shitter for all your progressive liberal BS and your city is quickly become turning in Baltimore City) county School system

    November 15, 2019 at 1:12 PM

    I'm not sure who "you" is? Can you elaborate? Your grammar is horrible and the city doesn't have any schools, they just happen to reside inside the borders of Ghettobury!

  37. Problem here it’s not the school board . The school board was apparently reprimanded for so disciplining, suspending and expelling a disproportionate number of minority’s. They were forced to stop this practice regardless of who is creating the problems. Since we cannot to discipline or remove disruptive dangerous children from the classroom we are having these problems. This boils down to groups like the ACLU dictating toward justice department what goes on in our schools . Until we can treat the problem regardless of race color or creed we are screwed

    1. Finally. Somebody gets it.

    2. 2:16 Yes yes and oh did I say yes!!

    3. obama is to blame

    4. Sorry. This excuse no longer works. DeVoss overturned that Obama bit. School board just ignored it because they want to keep their numbers up. More kids = more Federal $$$ (your federal taxes in addition to your high county taxes).

  38. How ironic that you posted information at 10:00 this morning highlighting the US Secret Service report on Targeted Violence in Schools. I am confident the WCBOE has no idea what is in the USSS report or any of the guidance available from the Partner Alliance for Safe Schools (PASS). Additionally the Maryland Center for School Safety with their multi-million dollar budget is providing no assistance to schools on the Eastern Shore.
    If you take time to review the Secret Service report and overlay the current policies in Wicomico County you will see we are a heart beat away from being a featured story on Fox or CNN.
    I bet the board and the superintendent believe they are insulated from an personal liability. They need to do a little research on what is happening now in Parkland. The board may change their mind and start dealing with these problems if they (the administration) knew they could be deemed negligent for not doing what needs to be done to fix this problem in Wicomico County Public Schools.

    1. Brilliant post, 228pm. Too bad Wicomico won’t listen.

  39. 1:37 is the only person blogging that has a SOLUTION. Listen to what he's saying.

    1. What makes you so sure 1:37 is a she?

  40. The teachers are at the mercy of the board of ed who wont suspend or discipline students. They are also at the mercy of parents who dont discipline or patent their children. Until the parents start parenting and disciplining their children, teacher will be at risk. Not enough money in the world for me to work as a teacher or police officer.

  41. I have some old Parkside clothes for sale

  42. Not saying I was the perfect mom nor were my kids perfect, but I whipped behinds if they acted up. I took no crap. And my kids never got in trouble with school, wasn't bullies, never got arrested, no drug problems! If parents brought out that wooden spoon and used it to discipline instead of baking cookies during school suspension there wouldn't be so many problems!

  43. We need more money spent on education. How about paying the students to behave properly. We need more psychologists and nurses to help with tempers and have understanding as to why this is happening. Can't we all just get along?

    1. Are you JOKING???? PAY the students to behave? Have more staff to mollycoddle students into a FALSE sense of the reality of life? These young adults are old enough to work jobs. That s××× doesn't happen in the real world! I really hope you are kidding!

    2. What a moronic idea.

  44. 2:16, I am an American Citizen, not a subject,serf or slave.When you say "Since we cannot....' you have just admitted to not being a citizen but one of the other three.We The People can do whatever we want and is Right.
    Please come join Us.

    There was a time years ago when we lived in a Nation under The Law,but now
    we are a Nation living under the 'laws'. Regardless of your religion or beliefs,when we are under the Law of our Creator we have the Right to life,liberty and pursuit of prosperity.Living under Mans law will be tyranny
    in a short time;where we are at the present time in history.

    1. Damn 3:57, you make no sense at all

  45. UNTIL people are held accountable for their actions, this mess will continue. Administration seems to be afraid to expel or properly punish for such nonsense. Instead of having a backbone and saying "HERE IS YOUR WARNING...IF YOU DO "xyz", YOU WILL BE EXPELLED... they slap them on the hand and let them come back...doesn't phase 'em.

  46. 12:09 Post said; Dr. Hanlin needs to resign! Dr. Hanlin is doing NOTHING to make our schools safe!

    You must have missed a previous post that I made - whereby I recommended either calling in the National Guard or alternatively - simply shutting down the entire school system. Either one would immediately remedy the situation.

  47. It wasn't an assault, it was a "safety incident". There were no injuries to staff; only taken in for "medical evaluation". Thank you Principal "Pinhead". Hanlin should resign!

  48. 4:24
    Now you have me confused. 2:30 called me a he. You call me a she. I can't be both. "It's ma'am" haha. I was born a female and a female I shall stay!

  49. all teachers should be issued a helmet, a bullet proof vest, and an ak47. welcome to wicomico county public schools. good luck and God bless.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And what do you propose would make the schools safer? Sounding tough on a blog? How about some ideas.

    November 15, 2019 at 1:11 PM


    The world needs ditch diggers and trash collectors and if you have a 3rd grade education you qualify. Thank Bill Clinton for "No child left behind" and the school system that fear they will lose a dollar if they suspend or expel a problem child.

    1. M6oo. If recall correctly, that was George W. And yes that is when the decline began and it has been fast and furious

  51. I pray these teacher's get a good attorney and sue the state of Maryland and wicomico county for continually putting these teacher's in harms way

    1. 604

      great comment, but their lawyers need to sue them,but bring the suit to the Western Shore

      These Judges down here take baths with Jake Day Mike little Lewis.
      they wont get a fair settlement down here

    2. A big lawsuit by an individual or group of students, parents, or teachers is what it’s going to take for state and local BOEs to take this shitty form of anarchy in schools seriously. It used to be against the law to disrupt school procedures and threaten school safety. Now it is against the law to deliver a consequence that actually matters to protect our schools.

  52. The public school system is a failure

  53. Sounds like some kids needed the Board of Education applied to the Seat of Knowledge!

  54. Anonymous said...
    I've done some research about females in high offices , looks bad people . Too sympathetic about everything , hell look at Germany , California , Salisbury police , on and on on . wake up people.

    November 15, 2019 at 12:31 PM

    You are 100% correct. Women in these positions are a dismal failure! End of story. Prove me wrong!

    1. Wrong. The wrong women are in power. The ones who have lower degrees who work in the swamps who can handle the problems are considered politically incorrect and harsh. Disregarded, not Included in decision making and damage control. All about who know and kissing tail. Cliques rule and control.

  55. Anonymous said...
    NOTHING will be done as LONG as the PARENTS DO NOTHING.

    November 15, 2019 at 1:27 PM


  56. Anonymous said...
    And the union thinks we need more money. WE NEED DISCIPLINE AND THROW OUT THE TROUBLEMAKERS. We don't need more money for positions at central office.

    November 15, 2019 at 1:28 PM

    Sounds like a teacher and I feel your pain. I support the teachers, not the Central Office staff. Most of them need to be fired. Donna Hanlin YOU need to resign. Most of us teachers hate our Superintendent.

  57. You know in Prince Georges County Maryland the "superintendent" is called the CEO and is appointed by and works for the County Executive. Maybe we need something like that here?

  58. Anonymous said...
    Fake news
    Im a student there and saw the fight first hand. The teachers involved were taken to hospital so they can get paid leave. This school is a joke.

    November 15, 2019 at 1:38 PM

    LIAR!! If your comment was accurate we would have believed you more. You have no credibility. Leave your name and your moms name. "Father: Unknown"

  59. Anonymous said...
    I pray these teacher's get a good attorney and sue the state of Maryland and wicomico county for continually putting these teacher's in harms way

    November 15, 2019 at 6:04 PM

    I support your statement.

  60. I'm just wondering if there was a fire at Parkside? I saw a fire truck there this morning.

  61. Anonymous said...
    We need more money spent on education. How about paying the students to behave properly. We need more psychologists and nurses to help with tempers and have understanding as to why this is happening. Can't we all just get along?

    November 15, 2019 at 3:53 PM

    When I was in High School we didn't need more psychologists and nurses. As a matter of fact, we didn't have a psychologist OR a deputy! Why are they needed today?

  62. All you prayer idiots do your thing. Nothing will change until these thugs know that they will earn a beating worse than the one they lay down on the teachers. Its just that simple.

  63. I don’t blame anyone but the parents of the children them self. If the children were raised properly at home and taught right from wrong instead of being raised by the television and their phones and computers and everything else we wouldn’t be having these problems with children fighting and assaulting each other. I really like how everyone is quick to blame the superintendent of the school where the teachers. The students need to take some accountability for their actions and maybe suffer consequences for what they do at school at home in general. And the saddest part is this is our future these are our congressman and our presidents that we’re raising and they’re being raised to be ruthless and uncaring. I say these kids need a good old fashion ass whipping. Bring the paddle back make these kids suffer consequences for what they do.

    1. Amen!! Bust their asses good and proper!!

    2. The majority are rotten, but there are good parents whose children are following the lead of the rotten apples and they are indeed spoiling the bunch

    3. Then the parents need to start taking control of those supposed "good" kids!

  64. After watching WBOC this evening it is clear that the superintendent has no clue what to do - she needs to resign now and let someone else take the reigns.

  65. Yes,kids should act civilized and not like thugs in school and let the teachers teach but...I have a video of this fight from today and it’s being blown WAY out of proportion. It’s 2 boys fighting and a teacher trying to break it up and she got bumped by a shelf. I don’t know how that turned into 3 teachers being taken by ambulance???? Should’ve just let them fight until the resource officer got there. It was a mutual combat situation where neither was winning so why put yourself in danger. I think the situation was exaggerated by social media, the news and dare I say the teachers taken by ambulance

  66. Anonymous said...

    The “great experiment” has failed. Time to let people go with their own, or not, as they choose.

    Integration has brought us all down.

    November 15, 2019 at 5:06 PM

    Yes! Preach it Brother!

  67. The decline started with Obama told them they couldn't keep suspending minorities. It doesn't matter if they are the ones causing the problem or not. Glad that was changed. However most schools still follow those guild lines.

    1. You are right. He should have been pushing for kids of majority races to meet the same fate for committing the same offenses. And yes they are given passes frequently despite display the same behaviors.

  68. How come camera coverage has been Kept from the news??

    Racial reasons ???

    1. Don't start that racial stuff. SMS proved that kids are out of control across the board

  69. Donna Hanlin has done NONE of what she promised when she returned here as Superintendent. I agree that parents are, in large part, not doing their "job" as parents. However, if parental discipline had begun when the kids were little, things might be different. Now, in middle school or high school (or in some cases, elementary school), it's pretty much too late. Therefore, to "fix" the problems happening NOW, the BOE needs to step up. No child from Pre-K to grade 2 can be suspended. I've seen 2nd graders hit and kick teachers, walk out of class, and more. Special Education students can't be suspended without special permission from the BOE. The DOJ's insistence on not suspending minority students must be thrown out. We need to punish whoever did the wrong deed. Period. Color should have nothing to do with it. Expulsion MUST come back. And, no, not expulsion from one WCBOE school and then transported to a different one. I mean, GONE. If that kid or the parents want their child in school they have two choices: make your kid act right or go to private school. No one, and I mean no one, who can't behave is "entitled" to a public school education! Parents need to STOP defending their kids! There's not a kid that's ever been born who hasn't made a mistake. Parents need to make them own it, take the consequences, and fix it. I'm so tired of parents that seem to truly believe their child does no wrong, even when there are bus tapes, reliable witnesses, or videos of the incidents! Donna Hanlin and all of the overpaid, lazy, dead wood at the BOE are afraid of aggressive parents, threats of lawyers, and losing their funding for not mollycoddling these kids and their parents. I totally agree, Donna Hanlin needs to go. Her agenda for more Pre-K was absurd. FIX the system FIRST before you add more kids, more salaries, benefits, classrooms, materials, etc. Stupid. Unacceptable. Any "extra" money the
    BOE gets is spent AT the BOE...NOT in the schools. We need a REAL leader with a SPINE and the right priorities. I honestly admire the teachers that stepped in to try to prevent serious injuries to those students. They clearly care. I hope they sue the pants off the kids' parents AND the BOE!

  70. This is why Whites send their kids to Private schools if they
    can afford it !!! End Forced busing Now !!

  71. Need to pull all the cops off the road from the traffic ticket
    beat & put them all in the schools to take care of this !!!!

    A judge needs to order it !! make it happen !!!

  72. So they do suspend the students and then excuse them. So let that sink in! These are the trouble making kids that don't want to be there to learn, so they cause problems, get suspended (which they are happy about because they get to stay home) and are excused. Does this make sense to anyone???

    As far as the fights, i say let them fight it out, too many adults are getting hurt trying to break up fights. If they choose to fight let them hurt each other and then call the parent to come take care of their injuries.

    1. Yes it Makes sense to suspend them. Let their parents deal w/ them and give kids and teachers a peaceful and safe learning environment at least for a few days. No you don't let them keep fighting. Honestly a large amount of these fights are started/triggered by 1 person and the other is responding/protecting themselves as they should. Administrators will tell you that. You see two people fight and quick to blame them both. This is why the ones who dont want to learn, who pick fights, who disturb class, bully children, and teachers need to be suspended and expelled, not the ones forced to fight back. All those pacifyin bleeding hearts in higher levels need to realize they need to find funding and pay for a school were their handicapping, crippling vision can cater to that population, who they feel have the right to make life hell for other students and staff. Had one (old Bennett Middle). Don't need nothing fancy. They dont appreciate it and finished demolishing it. Staff it w/ old school taught teachers and reinforcement. Have healthy rewards and fun activities. plant seeds to prepare them for the reality of whats to be. Not guilt and empathy parties or w/ gifts in tow. Instill work ethic and values they can t get at home and if they still don't get right, then let the local judiciary system and their parents prepare them for the inevitable. Stop passing the buck back to the school system and students.

    2. So your kid gets jumped and pounded to a bloody pulp and no adult steps in to stop it? They just stand around and wait for the assailant to get tired?! Genius!!!

    3. They chose to do it...maybe, unfortunately, it does need to happen this way. There aren't teachers to jump in when they're doing it on the street corner!

  73. Highly paid cops should be utilized to PROTECT our Kids

    & one per school ain't shhht !!

    Beef it up now & put 5 or more per school !!!

    1. For What? They can t really do anything. Sends the wrong message and confuses the kids. Then when they become adults they dont know the difference. No simply remove the sources of the problem.

  74. Maybe start a Police Activity League for young ppl to have something to do after school Like in Philly? (PAL)

    Something constructive to do besides ride around in their 4-wheel drive pickups that they need a step ladder to enter? (and getting their GF's preggo

  75. national guard in every wicomico county school

  76. DISCIPLINE has to come back to the educational system - starting at the first grade!

  77. This was created by the Obama administration who actually sued Wicomico county under guise of Social justice to keep violent students in school because most were black which they deemed racist. This places all students and staff in danger . This is why the school system should never be tied to The federal government to be extorted by

    1. @10:02 Where did you learn this information?

  78. In a word: E X P E L !!!!!

  79. If the ghetto thugs don't want to learn kick them the hell out and it won't be long before they are in prison.

  80. 8:17
    Exact proof that schools are broken. Nice English/Grammar

  81. Do you know why Parkside High School was built and placed where it is now? In the 1970's the School Board wanted to dismantle a nearly all white Pittsville High School and relocate the new high school in Salisbury to integrate all those white kids with the ghetto black kids that were dominating Wicomico High School and James M. Bennett High School. Who in their right mind would build a large high school so close to two other high schools in Ghetto Salisbury? It's all about integration my friends, it's all about integration. I personally tried to get them to build the new High School in Pittsville when they were deciding to rebuild the new Bennett High School. I was totally ignored and so were the hundreds of other citizens from the Eastside who remembered being promised the next high school being built. They reminded the BOE and the County Council and they brushed off and ignored because their main goal was to mix the races to bring up the total test scores of the inner city schools which were dismal. That is why they want to dismantle the Magnet Program.

  82. Anonymous said...
    Lol. The incident started with two gay boys fighting. Your opinion is to shoot them? Hell, a good smack would be more than enough.

    November 15, 2019 at 2:04 PM

    If you ever seen a Homo fight? Don't let their sexuality fool you. I once saw a gay guy whoop a white guys but in a bar in Salisbury then the police and ambulance were called to a location in Delmar and the same dude denied getting into a fight with a gay guy. Had to go all the way to Delmar to hide.

  83. Anonymous said...
    Problem here it’s not the school board . The school board was apparently reprimanded for so disciplining, suspending and expelling a disproportionate number of minority’s. They were forced to stop this practice regardless of who is creating the problems. Since we cannot to discipline or remove disruptive dangerous children from the classroom we are having these problems. This boils down to groups like the ACLU dictating toward justice department what goes on in our schools . Until we can treat the problem regardless of race color or creed we are screwed

    November 15, 2019 at 2:16 PM

    Oh yes it is the School Board's problem. In case you haven't noticed Obama is no longer the President. BTW there is a new school board and they haven't acted on this violence in months.

    Parents In Action

    1. You better believe it s the school boards problem. When you are in school they are acting as your “Guardian” charged with keeping you safe!! And they are clearly failing to do that by either incompetence or complete inaction. This has lawsuit written all over it!!

  84. I saw the video of the Press Conference with Donna Hanlin, Jamie Dykes and Mike Lewis. In the video, Donnal Hanlin laughs and basically laughs at you clowns saying you are over sensationalizing this incident on Social Media.

  85. To those defending the Board of Education members saying it's not their problem or they are not at fault. You could never be more wrong. They are the ones that are not holding the Superintendent, Dr. Donna Hanli, accountable and keeping her employed.

    The Board members haven't realized yet that they are elected and they will have a hard time getting re-elected in 2022. There is one seat that is up for election in 2020 due to a death.

  86. Anonymous said...
    How ironic that you posted information at 10:00 this morning highlighting the US Secret Service report on Targeted Violence in Schools. I am confident the WCBOE has no idea what is in the USSS report or any of the guidance available from the Partner Alliance for Safe Schools (PASS). Additionally the Maryland Center for School Safety with their multi-million dollar budget is providing no assistance to schools on the Eastern Shore.
    If you take time to review the Secret Service report and overlay the current policies in Wicomico County you will see we are a heart beat away from being a featured story on Fox or CNN.
    I bet the board and the superintendent believe they are insulated from an personal liability. They need to do a little research on what is happening now in Parkland. The board may change their mind and start dealing with these problems if they (the administration) knew they could be deemed negligent for not doing what needs to be done to fix this problem in Wicomico County Public Schools.

    November 15, 2019 at 2:28 PM


  87. Anonymous said...
    We need more money spent on education. How about paying the students to behave properly. We need more psychologists and nurses to help with tempers and have understanding as to why this is happening. Can't we all just get along?

    November 15, 2019 at 3:53 PM

    Why do we as taxpayers have to pay for psychologists?? That is something that should be handled by your family physician or a medical facility. I am not working to pay for your socialized medicine. We shouldn't be paying for nurses in the school system either.

    1. Such a foolish statement. We must look at the entire child if we hope to educate and socialize them. Look at the society we've created in both Black communities and White communities. The amount of drug use in this county is beyond comprehension. We address it all or we face the grave consequences of our short-sighted inaction.

  88. Anonymous said...
    Because then the ghetto would be on the East side.
    Roaches follow the food.

    November 15, 2019 at 3:31 PM

    What a stupid comment. Eastside schools are for Eastside students.

  89. Anonymous said...
    UNTIL people are held accountable for their actions, this mess will continue. Administration seems to be afraid to expel or properly punish for such nonsense. Instead of having a backbone and saying "HERE IS YOUR WARNING...IF YOU DO "xyz", YOU WILL BE EXPELLED... they slap them on the hand and let them come back...doesn't phase 'em.

    November 15, 2019 at 4:10 PM

    They let former BOE member, Mark Thompson handle all the discipline problems in the school system. It's up to him to tell the schools that the black kids won't be suspended for their actions. He is carrying out the discipline standards from the Obama administration.

  90. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry folks but I grew up in Snow Hill in the 50s and 60s when segregation was in effect. It worked extremely well and it may be the only answer to the current situation.

  91. Someone asked why they built Parkside in Salisbury instead of Pittsville. Probably because it makes more sense to bus a smaller number of the rural students into town than it does to take a large number of the city students and send them all the way out to Pittsville.

    And everyone wants to blame the Superindendent for the violence in schools. It's not her fault what these kids do! The parents need to teach them morals and control their own children's behavior. The question is how to get them to parent better. There are a lot of people out there who shouldn't even be having children because they aren't capable of raising them.

  92. 11/17 at 8:24PM you are on to something. These forced changes in societal behavior has led to such results, coupled with the breakdown of family that is encouraged by government subsidies that are provided in support of single parent households. For every action there is a consequence, and as we are witnessing in this area of society the consequences are not good. Could a stronger disciplinary program and confronting unacceptable student behavior straight on, prevented any of the shootings? Just saying.

  93. 12:09 Post said; Dr. Hanlin needs to resign! Dr. Hanlin is doing NOTHING to make our schools safe!

    You must have missed a previous post that I made - whereby I recommended either calling in the National Guard or alternatively - simply shutting down the entire school system. Either one would immediately remedy the situation.

    Here is my take: Shut-er-down. That's right, IMHO - it might not be a politically correct statement, and my statement goes against the 'grain' of the teacher beneficiaries (paycheck) but in the long run the taxpayers will fair much better off trying to ascertain their kids education through a private or charter school curriculum.

    Again - I say ' SHUT-ER-DOWN!

  94. 1:11,not the bloggers job to come up with solutions that’s why administrators are paid 100,000 plus to run the schools.

  95. what is so wrong is when our deputies have to go hand on with out of control kids they face scrutiny from their supervisors and internal investigations

  96. The alternative school on Brown street is mad up of sectional portable classrooms,so more can be added if need be.If they can be treated in a sub standard way maybe it'll sink in,because the students in question must improve themselves vs trying to get through to them.Drugs taken during pregnancy will affect them for their entire lives.I hate to look at a young person & see the inevitability of a prison life.

  97. I don't see the problem,put all the bad apples in one barrel or ten barrels if necessary and separate out the kids that really want to learn. If you cause trouble you go to the bad apple barrel,PERIOD.

  98. I would like to know what John Cannon and Bob Culver, the Wicomico County leaders, are planning to do about this? I'm sick of this violence in our schools and sick of them doing nothing about it.

  99. Donna Hanlin, I know you are reading this. You are a worthless POS and no one wants you so do the right thing and step down.

  100. Anonymous said...
    Society won't let you discipline your kids. Everything gets you reported to Child Protective Services or cops. They took God out of school and discipline away from parents.

    November 16, 2019 at 8:24 PM

    You are correct and we as a society can change that if you reach down and find your nads!

  101. Anonymous said...
    After watching WBOC this evening it is clear that the superintendent has no clue what to do - she needs to resign now and let someone else take the reigns.

    November 15, 2019 at 7:48 PM

    PREACH!! She is pathetic! BOE members it's your job to fire this INCOMPETENT BIMBO before we fire YOU!!

  102. Did anyone else see the press conference for this with Mike Lewis, Donna Hanlin and Jamie Dykes? Is it me or does Mike Lewis always seem angry and full of hatred? When he is nice it's obviously phony.

  103. Anonymous said...
    The principal at Parkside is a JOKE. The students have ZERO respect for her and laugh in her face when she attempts to exert discipline. You should hear the way she tries to coax them into complying with her requests. Leadership must be firm and no nonsense. Absolutely lacking at PHS. So mostly she hides in her office and is never in the hallways during change of class. A 'leader' who expects other staff to maintain discipline while she has already set a tone of tolerance.

    November 15, 2019 at 7:25 PM

    That is correct. This was a big mistake promoting her to a high school principal position!


  104. Things went to Hell and a handbasket at Parkside High School when they moved Micah Staufer and promoted Kimberly Pinhey. A 4 ft. tall female is no person that should be running a high school. She is too short and the thugs don't look up to her and they are out of control. The high schools need a tall authoritative male that these thugs can look up to and respect. Not someone like that Briggs clown that was at Bennett who used to get beat up all the time. When the teachers aren't safe you know that the kids are not safe. I say move her to a primary school where she is taller than the students. Problem solved.

    1. 6'4 and 170lbs of skin and bones. They need to hire a goon squad 6'6 300+ and post 3 to every school instead of these assistant to the assistant vice principal and a vice principal.

  105. Anonymous said...
    A big lawsuit by an individual or group of students, parents, or teachers is what it’s going to take for state and local BOEs to take this shitty form of anarchy in schools seriously. It used to be against the law to disrupt school procedures and threaten school safety. Now it is against the law to deliver a consequence that actually matters to protect our schools.

    November 16, 2019 at 8:13 PM

    "Now it is against the law to deliver a consequence that actually matters to protect our schools."

    WTH are you trying to say??

  106. Anonymous said...
    This is the outcome when you imprison nearly an entire generation.

    November 17, 2019 at 12:28 PM

    Please explain your idiotic comment? It sounds to me that you are trying to say that criminals should be allowed to break the law. Change my mind!

  107. 170 comments already. This is enough to tell me that there is a problem in our schools, especially with the Superintendent of Schools.

    Memo to the Board of Education members: Are you paying attention!

    Parents In Action

  108. The Mardela PTA is planning on going on the attack mode on Bob Culver Tuesday night about renovating Mardela Middle and High School. They are not the least bit concerned about Donna Hanlin and her dismal failed leadership and the safety of their students.

    Mardela Middle High School PTA

    Diane Koehler-Raubenstine
    Admin · 17 hrs
    Executive Culver is holding a Public Hearing at 6pm on Tuesday, November 19 in the Flanders Room in the Civic Center. He will be discussing the 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan. The public is encouraged to make comments and ask questions. County Executive Culver and his staff will consider public comments when creating the CIP so it is VERY important for the future of Mardela Middle & High School that we once again, show up in great number in support of the MMHS renovation.
    Please share this post and bring a friend or neighbor on Tuesday night!
    Thank you 😊

  109. PROOF that Forced Busing Does NOT work !!!
    Let parents send their kids WHERE they please !!!

    Throw OUT Affirmative Action too it is Reverse Discrimination plain & simple & has gone on for Tooo long !!

  110. Mardela High School staff getting on that attack the County Executive Bandwaggon!

    Mrs. Michelle Wright, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She failed as a BOE President and Member and now she wants to run her mouth as if she is relevant. Why did you resign from the BOE for, Mrs. Michelle Wright? What did you have to hide? What is it that you were trying to hide from the public? Your Financial Disclosure??

    Mardela Middle/High School
    8 hrs ·

    Please make every effort to attend. Mrs. Raubenstine, Mrs. Michelle Wright, and Mrs. Hastings will be speaking. Even if you prefer not to speak, a great turnout is essential to demonstrating our community’s support of this absolutely essential renovation!

  111. Some people call for segregation which would work for white students but still leave the black kid trying to get an education surrounded by criminals, there needs to be a zero tolerance policy and damn the federal government and their blackmail

  112. Take Affirmative Action Away in America , then the Blacks
    will get treated JUST LIKE the Whites & the rest ====


  113. Time to Level the Playing Field here on Delmarva !!!

    Put more cops in schools because they are Not afraid to do
    what needs to be done, like the other staff !!!

  114. Anonymous said...
    Hence you running your mouth is part of the problem you uneducated brat.

    November 17, 2019 at 12:45 PM

    Is this Betty Bad A$$ or Barny Bad A$$?

  115. Anonymous said...
    Briggs is 6'4"

    November 17, 2019 at 2:44 PM

    NO $HIT!!! They walked all over "Dr. Frederick L. Briggs" and his staff at Bennett High School with daily fights and multiple police intervention and he is rewarded with a Promotion to the Central Office by whom? If you guessed Dr. Donna Hanlin you would be correct.

    Briggs is a Candy A$$, they need a real man in the school system. Nothing but sissies and candy a$$es.

    Get rid of Hanlin and all her minions.

  116. Anonymous said...
    I would like to know what John Cannon and Bob Culver, the Wicomico County leaders, are planning to do about this? I'm sick of this violence in our schools and sick of them doing nothing about it.

    November 17, 2019 at 11:37 AM

    I heard that John Cannon is in bed with the Superintendent and her husband so he isn't going to do anything to step on their toes or offend them.

  117. Girdletree said...
    7:09- 100% factually wrong. I know many in private schools. Your statement is B.S.

    November 17, 2019 at 9:15 AM

    Girdletree STFU and keep your a$$ in Worcester County. When we want you to bark we will throw you a bone!

  118. Look . . the school system's record speaks for itself. We've actually had a student raped in a stairwell, school assistant selling and distributing drugs while school is in session, and, so many fights that I have now lost count. And the situation is not confined to just one school but a whole cadre of schools. We've had guidance councelors at Bennett sexually assalti g students, and, then a cover-up initiated to try and smother the incidences. I agree with some of the other posters and say SHUT THEM ALL DOWN! I am serious, just close them up, its simply to dangerous to attend school here in Wicomico.

  119. Dykes in the interview looks baffled and puzzled. Lewis on the other hand likes to give the raspy hard tone of a drill instructor which he never had to encounter but can flash 4 stars on the lapel like General Patton.The lady superintendent is waiting for the liberal fix all fairy to come down and wipe her magic wand while she steals a 6 digit salary.

    W.A.F.J. This county and country has become.

    1. Lewis and his department 354pm comments :::: ...like Richardson are legend's in their own mind

      that agency are a bunch of little boys playing ARMY,

      while using Tax payers dollars to annoy, harass and bully citizens of our County.


      I'm sooooo tired of seeing my hard earned Tax dollars being wasted ....

  120. I want to know what the relationship is between Hanlin and Day? Why is he at ever positive school function and the county gets called out when something bad happens? Day has NOTHING to do with schools. FYI the county really cant do s*** with the WCPS hell they can not even audit the money they have to give to the schools. Hanlin is a turncoat she needs to go. She absolutely can do something. I want to know who the outside entity is they are bringing in as well.

  121. It's a shame the schools can't follow a military code of conduct and let the veterans who have served our country be in charge of the school system.

  122. I think that the schools use these federal and state mandates as excuses. It's bs. If the schools wanted to enforce discipline they could. Has anyone ever seen the state and federal mandates telling them not to control students? I didn't think so. More lies to send the blame elsewhere.

  123. Such a foolish statement. We must look at the entire child if we hope to educate and socialize them. Look at the society we've created in both Black communities and White communities. The amount of drug use in this county is beyond comprehension. We address it all or we face the grave consequences of our short-sighted inaction.
    November 17, 2019 at 3:11 PM

    Whats stupid is your koolaide drinking comment. The only reason you think drug use is bad is because the media told you so and everyone makes $$ off it. There are MORE people that DONT do drugs than the handful that do. Other than publicity stunts NO ONE has done ANYTHING to curb drug us. The ONLY reason it got media attention was because the DRUG maker needed to sell their high priced NARCAN.


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