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Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Message from Ocean City Mayor Meehan - Save Our Sunrise

Dear Ocean City Residents, Property Owners, Visitors & Friends,

Our 10 mile, beautifully maintained beach and three-mile historic Boardwalk often rank among the nation’s top beaches, offering families like yours the perfect place to relax and enjoy the naturally beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, our natural viewshed is in danger of being lost forever.

As you may or may not know, two companies are planning to build offshore wind farms directly off of Delaware and Maryland beaches. An Italian company (U.S. Wind) plans to construct dozens of 853-foot-tall wind turbines, located on 46,595 acres (73 square miles) of Atlantic Ocean, as close as thirteen miles from our beloved beach.This project will forever change the natural beauty of our beach, not only for us but for future generations.

The Town of Ocean City while in support for clean energy in Maryland; has opposed the size and location of the wind turbines. In order to avoid the destruction of our natural view forever and the negative impact on our community, the Town of Ocean City is insisting these turbines be moved at least 33 miles from shore. This distance would allow the project to continue without having any impact on our natural horizon, our tourism, our home values, our economy and future generations. This can be done. In fact, the State of Virginia recently approved a project 27 miles off their coast.

A public hearing will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 12 p.m. at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center (4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Maryland). As residents, property owners, visitors and protectors of the future of Ocean City, we need your voice of concern at the Public Service Commission.

We have said it before, and we will say it again…. We only have one chance to do this, so we need to do it right. Making sure these turbines are out of the viewshed of Ocean City is not only a benefit to our residents and property owners, but also to the 8 million people who visit our beach each year. Most importantly, it is our responsibility to protect the natural beauty of our beach so that our children, grandchildren and their grandchildren can enjoy the same pristine horizon that we enjoy every day in Ocean City.


Mayor Rick Meehan

Town of Ocean City, Maryland


  1. Who is giving them permission to build on 46,595 acres (73 square miles) of Atlantic Ocean??????

    That is where Ocean City needs to start!

    1. Ocean City stops at the low tide water mark 103

  2. It seems Fenwick DE is considering allowing it's coast to be used as a connection/landing point for merely the cost of some improvements to It's portion of the State Park. Seems pretty cheap to me? I hope this does not go down as planned. Sorry

  3. Remember they can only build if politicians let them.

  4. Not in our neighborhood says he. Build them in Pocomoke says he.
    Guess he's never heard of cleaner energy that might save our great grandchildren's lives.

    1. Clean energy is a scam and trendy word. They don’t talk about the energy and environmentally destructive processes used to build and manufacture supposed clean energy equipment. Don’t get me started on how environmentally not friendly electric cars are. We should be using fossil fuels and redirecting all efforts at making break throughs in large scale fusion technology as it’s truly clean and green energy. We’re thirty years out at our current rate of research before we have it. At that point we will not need any of this other crap and world energy will not be an issue.

    2. This is true. The disposal of worn out turbines is a huge issue no one talks about because they do not care what is ahead. The climate change activist are so blind to how terrible electric vehicles are to the environment. Until we develop electricity at a cost we currently do on fossil fuels from other technology nothing will change. The entire movement should focus on affordable electricity for the world population. Any other focus is simple ignorance of the root problem with emissions.

  5. We don't want them anyway.

  6. Building this project will be a man-made environmental disaster.

  7. The farther out you place them, the more it's going to cost the company building them (and then the customers) because of longer transmission line distance.

  8. If the companies agree to 33 miles, ocean city's elite will then push for 50 miles. It already happened at 17 miles. I say build them right on the beach !!!

  9. 6:13

    They are not cleaner energy by far and won't save anyone's lives.

    Quit listening to the brainwashing media and start some independent study.

  10. 6:13. Educate yourself. Silly comment.

  11. Ocean City has already been ruined and has not been family friendly for a long time. These turbines won't make a bit of difference.

  12. the mayor should concentrate on increasing the price for parking at the inlet. i think it should be $1000 an hour. after all, we are a family friendly town.

  13. It's not that big a deal the height! If they are so concerned about the people and tourist in O.C. then fix the following: $10.00 bucket of French fries, $3.50 an hour parking and limited parking, The other high prices they inflict on everyone.

  14. Hypocrites! "we want clean energy, just don't want it here"

    I don't see where wind turbines are strikingly ugly. I mean come on, as gaudy/trash as OC is, this isn't going to spoil anything.

  15. ocean city is a hell hole. west ocean city is cool but i will not allow my family downtown in the summer. 350 an hour? SERIOUSLY? and guess what, it will go up again next year, family town my ass. have prices ever dropped? F O C. keep on catering to the thuglets.

  16. Ocean City is nothing but a bunch of money whores. They don"t care about the horizon. They are worried that someone may be offended and not pay to park at the inlet. MONEY GRABBING POLITICIANS.

  17. Talk about ugly, has anyone gone to the boardwalk on a weekend night. Oh its family friendly alright. If you just got out of ECI. Thugville USA. That place is on the same level as Salisbury.

  18. I'd much rather look at wind turbines then a lot of things in OC.

  19. remember when there was thrashers in salisbury?

  20. if thrashers came back to salisbury there would not be a reason to ever go to ocean city

  21. electric cars are great they said. Buy electric they said, It's better for the environment they said, What they are not telling you is about the children that are forced to mine for the ingredients to make the batteries. Child labor and the health problems with those children. They think that we are so far removed that we don't know. Electric cars are only great in the minds of liberal fools and the one's making millions off of those so called green energies. All at the expense of the health and lives of children!

  22. Liberals always for clean everything until it affects them.


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