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Sunday, December 01, 2019

WOCOSAO: Todd Pivec Convicted Of Negligent Manslaughter


  1. This dirt ball needs to go away for the maximum sentence with no parole. Let him"enjoy" life in ECI.

    1. He is from the Western Shore

      he will go to Hagerstown Jail

  2. Judge...please lock this drunk up until he dries out. If that ever happens he should have a GPS ankle bracelet that would alarm at the monitor station if he ever drives again.

  3. negligent manslaughter? how about murder?

  4. 94th street... probably left Kirby's.

  5. @2:11 nothing less!! This conviction is extremely lenient with this as*h**es past

    1. Unfortunately, Maryland laws are much too leniant when it comes to drunk driving related deaths...the charges available definitely do not correspond with the serious nature of the crime... people always complain about DUI checkpoints...stop bitching and contact Annapolis to change the laws to add more serious charges, with substantial penalties.

  6. Is this the guy that had been caught several times drinking and driving? The courts made him put a device in his vehicle that tested to see if he was drunk before it would start. He avoided using that vehicle and used a vehicle that was registered to his company. Lock him up for a very long time!

  7. He needs to get the maximum. The POS has a record a mile long of the same thing. He can't learn his lesson. He thinks he is above the law. Time to teach this POS a lesson.

  8. This isn't good. What kind of loser SA did you clowns elect in WorCo? This guy has an extensive record with drunk driving. He was charged with multiple offenses and was allowed to plead to ONE. That is sick. You people down their are not the brightest bulbs in the pack obviously. This is not justice. It's disgusting

    1. It was two counts, not that you pay attention...and since you are obviously clueless, there are other factors that are considered... such as the wishes of the victims family..not to mention he is also facing violation of probation in Baltimore County and will get his time there , more than likely consecutive to the Worcester sentence. So don't make uninformed comments unless you know the details.

  9. Anonymous said...
    negligent manslaughter? how about murder?

    November 26, 2019 at 2:11 PM

    Two different charges.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Unfortunately, Maryland laws are much too leniant when it comes to drunk driving related deaths...the charges available definitely do not correspond with the serious nature of the crime... people always complain about DUI checkpoints...stop bitching and contact Annapolis to change the laws to add more serious charges, with substantial penalties.

    November 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM

    How are Md. laws too lenient? Examples? Yes, people do complain about checkpoints, ANY checkpoints not just DUI checkpoints.

    IMO, you haven't established which laws are 'too lenient' nor any that don't fit the crime and a description of how and which ones would 'fit the crime'.

    If someone were to go to Annap. with this much vague info, they would be laughed out the door.

    1. "ANY check points, not just DUI"
      What other kinds of check points are implemented 6:30 ??

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Judge...please lock this drunk up until he dries out. If that ever happens he should have a GPS ankle bracelet that would alarm at the monitor station if he ever drives again.

    November 26, 2019 at 1:25 PM

    How exactly would that work?

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He needs to get the maximum. The POS has a record a mile long of the same thing. He can't learn his lesson. He thinks he is above the law. Time to teach this POS a lesson.

    November 26, 2019 at 9:07 PM

    A whole mile?

    1. 8:53 Feeling cute? You must be a relative because it’s not a funny matter. This dude is a douche bag and deserves to go away for a long time. You must be related cause only a scumbag would make light of this situation.


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