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Sunday, December 01, 2019

Wicomico County Public School District - Settlement Agreement

Settlement Agreement
The United States of America
Wicomico County Public Schools
Monday, January 23, 2017


  1. The Board of Education of Wicomico County, operating the Wicomico County Public Schools (collectively referred to as “Wicomico” or “the District”) and the United States Department of Justice (“United States” or “the Department”) (collectively, “the Parties”) enter into this settlement agreement (“Agreement”) to resolve the United States’ investigation into complaints of alleged discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity and disability in its disciplinary policies, practices, and procedures (collectively, “practices”).
  2. By entering into this Agreement, the District does not admit liability and this Agreement is not to be construed as an admission of liability by the District of any state or federal law, or violation of the rights of any student in the District.
  3. This Agreement reflects the Parties’ shared goal that all students in the District have an equal opportunity to learn in environments that are safe, supportive, free of discrimination and accessible to students of all backgrounds. The fair and appropriate implementation of evidence-based student discipline policies and procedures is one means of advancing this objective.
  4. Wicomico agrees to comply with the terms of this Agreement to address and resolve the issues raised by the United States. This Agreement shall be binding upon successor District school boards. The Parties undertake this Agreement as a means of alternative dispute resolution to avoid litigation and to preserve judicial and governmental resources. The United States agrees to forego litigation over the issues resolved by this Agreement in exchange for the agreement by the District to comply with its terms. Nothing in the Agreement shall limit the rights of the United States to enforce compliance with the Agreement, in federal court at some later date, should the District fail to satisfy the requirements of the Agreement.
  5. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date it has been executed by both parties and shall remain in effect until the conclusion of the 2018-2019 school year, provided that the parties may, upon mutual written agreement, amend this Agreement to address changed circumstances. 


  1. time for trumps doj to do away with this!

  2. Yeah more mess the County and it’s leadership aren’t qualified to deal with!

  3. And the reasoning for this announcement is ...

  4. DOJ needs to spend a week at Bennett Middle and a week at Salisbury Middle!, they may change their mind!

  5. Did you all notice it’s signed the business day after Trump took office? Who does that, knowing DeVos is coming in??? Hanlin is a huge idiot. I’d know, I was a teacher (survivor) there.


  6. Humans on earth are a hybrid race our DNA isnt originally from here. The annunaki which are a hybrid of the draconians came here and started alle for a reason. Illustrious listeners, They taught us how to start a society and become miners for there special need of gold. Until this day the watchers secretly control our society. They have alot to do with the illuminati and the new world order, N.W.O.

    1. You comb your hair straight into the air don’t you ?

    2. 6:34
      Are these demonic manisfestation you speak of? Gifts From GOD? His truth and words? He made us in his image. Anything else could be considered as demonic. Dont be fooled brother. The Luciferians (ARE THE NWO) have unbelievable powers. You must Resist the deceptons and lies of UFO crap. we are alone! face it! and We we all be held accountable in the end by the creator and savior JC.

  7. Lee Stevens would never have allowed this to occur.

  8. A bunch of liberal jibberish but no clear explanation of who or why.

  9. When you refuse to fight for what's right then you are the problem. Obama's DOJ was all about feelings and not about facts. Time to step aside and get someone willing to fight for what's right. We deserve better.

  10. Old news. Why share this now? The BOE met all of its obligations with the DOJ.

    1. No they didn’t actually. WCPS are still non compliant.

  11. Wico better get common core and violent students and gang members out of the schools...we truly Don't have a decent public school here.

  12. Local churches are missing an opportunity here , they should start schools

  13. 7:22. Why not share this now? The reason to publish this now is to disclose to the public the agreement the Board of Ed signed with Dept of Justice. With the numerous fights, not only with other students, but fighting teachers and staff...the agreement binds the hands of Board of Ed toward proper discipline of the troublemakers.

  14. Ok, can someone explain what this is?

  15. Anonymous said...
    DOJ needs to spend a week at Bennett Middle and a week at Salisbury Middle!, they may change their mind!

    November 26, 2019 at 6:28 PM

    Did you leave out Parkside High School, Bennett High School and Wicomico High School for some unknown reason? What about Wicomico Middle School?

  16. Anonymous said...
    Yeah more mess the County and it’s leadership aren’t qualified to deal with!

    November 26, 2019 at 5:57 PM

    The County and "its" leadership don't have to deal with this, the Board of Education and "its" leadership does.

    P.S. you should have stayed in middle school.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Wico better get common core and violent students and gang members out of the schools...we truly Don't have a decent public school here.

    November 26, 2019 at 8:05 PM

    That's not going to happen until we get rid of Dr. Hanlin and most of the current BOE members.

  18. Anonymous said...
    You comb your hair straight into the air don’t you ?

    November 26, 2019 at 8:41 PM


  19. So many opinions here but no one has enough balls to go to the BOE meetings or the press. Anonymous posts are nice to read and to open our eyes but until large numbers of people speak out it's useless.

  20. been to to many boe meetings and have been lucky to see just a handful of concerned parents there! until that changes you get what you deserve!

  21. Donald Fitzgerald is a Hugh part of the problem. He needs to go. If you get him out then Hamlin maybe could or would do her job! Ones is as bad as the other.what many of you don’t realize is He is at the top of the food chain.

  22. 6:34 - thanks for entertaining us

  23. Come on Donna. Do what the people want. We all know you don’t need the money with this job!! Be the first superintendent in MD to stand up to the state board of Ed and the DOJ. You would be much more respected if you went down fighting. Stop playing politics. You have nothing to lose!!!

  24. The only way to improve any of this is through large public outcry and personal accountability of the current Board of Ed. and the WCPS administration.

    The issues are varied and numerous:
    Student behavior out of control, ability for a teacher to teach a full class period without interruption non-existent, BOE personnel using BOE vehicles as their personal family taxis daily with the approval of their Directors, blatant violations of environmental and DOT laws and associated whistle-blower retaliation (not just recommendations - clearly written State and Federal laws), budgeting more on minor upgrades than entire annual budgets for various maintenance needs, not building a Cafe at the new Bennett Middle large enough and had to construct a $1 million addition that is still too small, teachers assaulted by students that should not still be in our schools, teachers reprimanded for not accepting something none of us in "normal" society would accept, it goes on and on and on...

    Paladin - You previously asked who or what the "Administrators" were. The Administrators are the Supervisors, Directors, Assistant Superintendents, and the Superintendent for the WCPS.

    As we say, talk is cheap, only action results in change.
    The more articles involving the BOE on this blog the better.
    Wicomico taxpayers and parents of students in our schools need to be active in these meetings to bring public pressure. Believe me, they hate negative publicity more than anything else...

    They are now elected public officials and need to be held publicly accountable.

  25. The Lawsuit was to cement Obama's Social Justice legacy into the education system. Wicomico County was held hostage to the loss of Federal Funds and the legal fees required to defend against an unjust suit.
    The PBIS system is designed to make it onerous on the classroom teacher to disapline/record disruptive behavior. The premise is that the Teacher does not understand the culture of the minority student and is holding them to a standard of behavior outside of their cultural upbringing.
    This has resulted in No Behavioral Standards and the mayhem that we now see taking place in our schools.
    The Florida school shooter/Cruiz was created by this same system. His brushes with the school & law enforcement were brushed under the rug to maintain school stats which leads to school funding. Research that and you will see the resemblance to what is happening here.
    It is truely, the endless power of the federal purse to destroy anyone that stands in he way.
    It is Big Government interference and the dream of the Progressive Left to mold you to their twisted position and beliefs.
    Thank you for posting this and attempting to educate the public on the root cause of trouble in our school system.

  26. Did you notice that this ended June 2019

  27. Gene and Ann need to go they promised accountability but rubber stamped it all. Ann is just out of touch and will only talk about her own experience and Gene has a bromance with Fitz.


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