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Friday, December 06, 2019

What if we're all wrong about men?

Almost exactly seven years ago, I wrote an article headlined “The War on Men” that went viral. The best feedback came not from the legions of angry feminists whose emails flooded my inbox, but from clinical psychiatrist Paul Dobransky, M.D., who wrote a response piece in Psychology Today.

“Men know women are powerful, and we don’t mind that one bit. It empowers us that you’re empowered,” he wrote. “Unless, that is, you disempower us in order to feel empowered.”

That’s precisely what I tried to get across in my article when I wrote of women knocking men down off their pedestals. “In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.”



  1. So true, I seriously don't understand the war on men, but I was born in 1964 so...

  2. Communist Agenda to destroy (feminize) society so it won’t rebel against Zionist political power

  3. I remember when men were allowed to be men.

  4. I remember when men were allowed to be men.


  5. It's an aggravated case of 'penis envy', 8:32.

  6. Pay attention to commercials, especially Caucasian males. Nearly alway they are portrayed as bumbling fools with rather sissy characteristics.

  7. Yep. I held a door open for a purple haired woman yesterday while I was Christmas shopping. Just was being a gentleman and got dressed down for it by her. As I am much older, there was no way she could assume anything but a kind gesture. What has happened regarding courtesy?

  8. My opinion - women during WWII worked in factories to support their country - what happened when the men returned -baby boomers- women could no longer work because men needed jobs. That I understand but why we're women then treated incapable of work outside the home. That I never understood. Did women bring that on themselves.
    I also believe all sexes should be polite and hold doors etc not just men. Yes, men are held at a higher esteem but trying to destroy men in general is wrong. Women have come along way since WWI and WWII and I belive it will get better.


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