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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What I Learned Ringing the Bell

You might be surprised at what you can see and hear while ringing the Christmas Bell for the Salvation Army. These last two weeks, I saw hundreds of people going in and out of our local Walmart, all coming within just a few feet of my Salvation Army Bell and Red Kettle. Soon after I started ringing the bell, a few people stopped to chat, and it was then that I realized that I had a great opportunity to learn some new things. I found that I was in the presence of authentic people living life, who were wanting and striving toward the best life they could create for themselves and their loved ones.

Let me share with you a few insights garnered from the people I was lucky enough to meet.

I saw a 60-ish daughter with her 85-ish mom carefully making their way into the store. Mom had a cane in one hand and a firm grip on her daughter's arm with the other hand, slowed down by an ankle that was obviously a bit off center. Clearly, Mom and daughter were on the same page, fighting together to preserve every bit of freedom and mobility Mom could possibly retain.

Several people came out of the store befuddled, as they had no recollection of where they had parked their vehicles. None of them was upset — just amused to be facing another little hill to climb in the pursuit of a well lived life. One clever gentleman had an app on his phone to help him locate his car.

More here


  1. Always enjoyed ringing the bell and was overwhelmed at generosity.

  2. The Salvation Army is a great organization that serves all in their time of need.


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