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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Virginia gun ‘sanctuary' leaders urge resistance to gun laws, compare to American Revolution

The clash in Virginia over gun control has reached a new level, with proponents of a gun “sanctuary” movement urging active resistance to Democratic proposals in Richmond, citing the arguments that led to the American Revolution.

“Resistance to illegal and unauthorized government acts is not new,” said two leaders of the movement in noting the decisions by the Founding Fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence that challenged Great Britain and King George III.

“This doctrine is, in fact, foundational to our form of government. Indeed, the Declaration of Independence is a document of interposition, between the American colonists and a tyrannical King George III. Its signatories — the people’s representatives — pledged to one another ‘our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor,’ believing that they most likely would be tried and executed for treason against the crown,” said the new memo from the Virginia Citizens Defense League and the Virginia-based Gun Owners of America Inc.



  1. Wow, the eastern shore of Virginia has the same stance as the eastern shore of Maryland! :-)

  2. Do the Democrats really think they can change history.

  3. If every Jewish person in Germany and the rest of Europe had a gun how many would be alive after the war


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