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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Veteran shoots and kills robbery suspect during attempted heist

A military veteran working behind the counter of a convenience store in San Francisco, California, shot and killed one of two men who attempted to rob the store.

Mark Kasprowicz was manning the cash register inside the store over the weekend when two armed, masked men walked into the establishment, according to NBC Bay Area.

Video of the incident shows one of the masked men, brandishing a semiautomatic weapon, jump behind the counter where Kasprowicz was working and beat him in the head with it. Bloodied and bruised, Kasprowicz struggled to gain control of a gun he had stashed behind the counter. After the suspect's gun misfired, the attacker ran off. Footage shows Kasprowicz firing his weapon at the fleeing suspect, striking him once.



  1. I love a happy ending!

  2. The military certainly will help you learn to shoot straight

  3. Too bad it's in Maryland. He'll be charged with murder because he was no longer threatened with his life being the guy was running away. Laws here about that suck.

    1. At 10:01 a.m., learn to read, it is not in Maryland it is in San Francisco California. And whether it was in Maryland or in California or any other state if somebody is running away from you they are no longer a threat and you should not shoot them anyway.

  4. And they shouldn't try to rob a convenience store !!!
    Now other stores don't have to worry about be robbed by that thief do they 509 ? That store clerk did society a favor.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: If the suspect was running away, the danger had subsided and unfortunately, he had no justification to shoot a retreating suspect. Im sure some crusader rabbit pedo Marxist democrat prosecutor will charge him and ruin his life. If you are carrying or have access to a firearm, you had better know the rules on when to use it.


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