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Sunday, December 29, 2019

US on high alert for possible ‘Christmas gift’ missile from North Korea

U.S. officials are on high alert for signs of a possible missile launch from North Korea in the coming days that officials have referred to as a “Christmas gift.”

A significant launch or nuclear test would raise the end of North Korea's self-imposed moratorium on missile launches and tests. It would also be a major blow to one of President Trump’s major foreign policy goals to get North Korea back to the negotiating table to eliminate its nuclear weapons.

Earlier this month, the North conducted what U.S. officials say was an engine test. Experts believe it may have involved an engine for a long-range missile.



  1. This is not funny - but - the thought just crossed my mind -- California wiped off the map. I know it wouldn't be California - wishing thinking 😂😂😂🤔

  2. Better be ready for a counterattack to wipe out all his troops and bases if he tries anything. Hit him 20x what he throws.

  3. Most of America would rejoice if a Nuke took out all the Liberal nutjobs in the east and west coast large cities!

  4. Prayerful for our president, our country, and the world.

  5. Panda boy wont do it. Un is the boy that cried wolf. Youd believe it if the media said he did. How else would you know?

  6. Rocket Man just blowing smoke again....he doesn’t want to be eliminated by the SEAL Team! Make for a bad day.....

  7. It would make for a very bad day, month and year for that short little s**t, if he did something like this. Bombard him with whatever we've got and then some.

  8. Never happen - more saber rattling to get attention

  9. if north korea bombed us the demochumps would say that they are just misunderstood and send them food stamps

  10. No worries here, go back to celebrating.

  11. They are testing, while the U.S.A. already has long range missiles. Not real bright are they?

  12. You realize NK cannot make a move that’s not given the okay by China ? Ever since Trump started holding China accountable for unfair trade tariffs NK has started acting up

  13. Stable genius foreign policy at work

  14. Pulleeeeze

    North Korea is controlled by the same Illuminati Families who placed Slick Willy, Dubya, Homo-Barry, and The Don into office.

    Time to wake up and stop pretending Communism is real. It is Talmudic Judaism created academically by Rabbis.

  15. From Langley 9:23 ????? Lol

  16. Pelosi's House is Main Target !!! LOL LOL


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