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Friday, December 27, 2019

Trump's judges are great. He has Harry Reid to thank

President Trump has been more focused and more successful than any modern president in appointing excellent judges to the federal courts. With the help of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump has produced impressive raw numbers in terms of judicial influence.

Still, McConnell is not the Senate majority leader Trump should be thanking. That honor goes to McConnell's predecessor, former Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada.

Despite unprecedented, massively obstructive tactics by Senate Democrats, Trump, in fewer than three years, has secured the confirmation of two Supreme Court justices and 50 appeals court judges. In contrast, Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, in eight years each, secured just two appointees to the Supreme Court and, respectively, only 62, 61, and 49 appellate judges. At the highest levels of the federal courts, then, Trump is securing appointments at about twice the rate of his three predecessors. At the district court level, Trump has successfully appointed 132 of the 677 judges authorized by law and has an additional 42 nominees pending. In this respect, he is moving at about the same pace as recent presidents.



  1. Dingy Harry cracks me up... remember when he showed up Monday morning with his eye messed up and tried to say it was an exercise equipment malfunction ?... funny stuff...

  2. Old one-eyed Harry Reid lived long enough to regret it. But he, like all power-hungry corrupt Democrats couldn't resist changing the rules while they were the majority. Just like they are behaving now in the House. Democrats are unassumingly corrupt and power hungry. Watch out for your neighbors that vote for them.


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