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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Top universities should be taxed under ‘tax the rich’ logic

Despite all the political rhetoric, let’s be honest: Tax increases have never produced a single job — not a one.

Taxing the rich or middle class more and more has in reality cost many their jobs and even more a pay raise, all while reducing the amount of your take-home income.

Because it’s primary season, the candidates on the left are talking tough on taxing rich people, as if they are an evil class, which they are not.

But they have yet to talk about the richest of the rich — the one group so wealthy that changing tax policy or outright taxing them could literally solve millions of families’ financial problems.

College and university endowments — largely shielded from taxes by “not-for-profit” status as “educational institutions” — amount to hundreds of billions of dollars. It’s the biggest tax scam the world has ever known.



  1. Legislation mandating they spend, say 10%, of the endowment each year on need based scholarships or lose all federal funds the following year seems reasonable.

  2. As should businesses, because businesses are people.


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