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Friday, December 27, 2019

The Voter Purge Myth

Maggie Haberman, the esteemed New York Times reporter, recently tweeted out a Mother Jones article to 1.2 million followers. It was titled: “GOP-Led Voter Purges in Wisconsin and Georgia Could Tip 2020 Elections.”

The chilling piece warns readers that “hundreds of thousands of voters are set to be purged in two key swing states,” which “potentially” gives Republicans “a crucial advantage by shrinking the electorate” in those states.

None of this, of course, is true. Cynical pieces of this genre, an election-time tradition at this point, only allow Democrats to warn of widespread disenfranchisement and preemptively give aggrieved Democrats such as Stacey Abrams a baked-in excuse for losing elections and smearing Republicans.

How many people who fall for these claims understand that both federal law and state law mandate the updating of voter lists?

In Georgia, we already know that hundreds of thousands of “voters” were not purged, because at least 62% of registrations that were canceled recently by the state had surely moved away or died. Either their mail was returned as undeliverable or they had officially changed their address to a different state.

More here


  1. Imagine what it would be like if this country actually had an honest election without the massive voter fraud that occurs every cycle in the heavily dumbocrat districts.

  2. How can the Democrats vote multiple times during early voting if there aren't any dead people registered to vote?

  3. If they can't impeach him they insure no one will be able to vote for him

  4. Just ask them about Holder and his Jerrymandering - now that changes votes.


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