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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The ‘Pee Tape’ Hoax Is Finally Dead. It’s Time to Brand the ‘Rushers’ Who Pushed It.

Imagine that the most widespread, hysterical conspiracy theory in America came not from backwoods rumor mills but from the Ivy League-staffed, megacorp-owned news media. Oh, wait — you don’t have to imagine anything. You’ve been living this reality for years now!

The last three U.S. presidents have seen some of their opposition unite under the banner of really juicy conspiracy theories: for Bush, it was that 9/11 was an inside job; for Obama, it was that an ineligible foreign national became commander-in-chief, possibly as a sleeper agent for The Muslims; for Trump, it’s that a hostile foreign power installed an illegitimate president who would do its bidding, thanks to humiliating blackmail material.

Those first two conspiracy theories have been beaten down by time and vigorous debate — with experts and institutions meticulously fighting the sexy, imaginative narratives of their opponents.

Yet the Russia conspiracies continue to thrive, because the experts and the institutions haven’t admitted the obvious conclusion to draw from the evidence. The experts and institutions remain true believers!



  1. The "Pee tape' is real, but it was the Ukrainian prostitutes peeing on Hunter Biden.

  2. James Comey needs to be charged with abuse of power, conduct unbecoming just for starters. John Brenen lied under oath and James clapper lied under oath. Yet only trump campaign staff gets their doors knocked in for it.

  3. this was all cooked up by dumbocrats. That's why nothing will ever happen, they are all corrupt and they run the justice system.

  4. I disagree that either of the first two accusations have been disproven. The author is a liar and probably working for intelligence.


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