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Monday, December 30, 2019

The impeachment impasse

The Constitution of the United States provides in Article I that the “House of Representatives shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” and that the “Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”

By passing articles of impeachment, the House has impeached the President. The Senate trial is being held up because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to send the articles of impeachment formally to the Senate and to name House managers to begin the process. She may withhold the articles until she is assured that the rules of a Senate trial are, in her view, fair — that they will include, among other things, an opportunity for Senate Democrats to call witnesses of their choosing and introduce documents they consider relevant to the proceedings.

However, under the Constitution, the House of Representatives has no role to play in the trial proceedings in the Senate. It cannot dictate procedures in the Senate any more than the Senate could dictate the rules of impeachment in the House. The Constitution makes it clear that the House has the “sole power of impeachment,” and the Senate has the “sole power to try all impeachments.” Indeed, in the Walter Nixon case (1993), the Supreme Court made it clear that not even federal courts can review Senate impeachment procedures.



  1. So let the games begin

  2. Exactly !!! House cannot tell Senate WHAT to DO !!!

    Illegal what Demon-crats are trying to do PERIOD !!!

    Plus !!! ALL should be thrown OUT because of THEIR actions already !!!!

    They DON'T get to wait or dictate anything !!! MAGA

    They DON'T get to make their OWN rules as they go !!!!

  3. No impeachment can be stated / implied until the articles are presented to the Senate. House has done nothing until then.

  4. We all know that NOTHING is or was going to happen until they return after January 6th. GET OVER IT

  5. But, the lazy class see on TV all the time that our President is impeached...

    The school systems fail to train the children in Government proceedings...

    its frustrating to hear these dummy's daily scream " Trumps impeached"

    clueless voters


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