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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

That smart TV you just bought may be spying on you, FBI warns

Those Black Friday and Cyber Monday super sales are not only a boon for your bank account, but may also reap serious rewards for cyber criminals intent on causing harm, according to the FBI.

In a pre-holiday message to consumers, an FBI field office is warning that "smart TVs" -- televisions equipped with internet streaming and facial recognition capabilities -- may be vulnerable to intrusion.

In addition to outlining how new advanced technological features risk allowing television manufacturers and app developers to snoop on consumers, the bureau says malicious cyber actors can also take control of unsecured smart TVs and potentially wreak havoc on unsuspecting owners.


  1. We know they do in China, N. Korea, and Russia. We know our agencies listen to our cell calls and read our email, so they are probably watching us on the TV and computers, Amazon Echo, and other live streaming devices.

  2. Isn't it illegal in Maryland to record someone without their knowledge? How do these companies continue to get away with this?

  3. Do Maryland Cops ask you if you know you are being recorded? NOPE!

  4. If you have an Alexa, Siri, or any of the other in house spy devices then don't complain!


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