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Monday, December 23, 2019

Ted Cruz Blasts Spending Bill: Funds Planned Parenthood, Gun Control

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted the $1.4 trillion spending bill that passed the House and Senate this week and was signed into law by President Donald Trump on Friday.

The 2,313-page piece of legislation spends $1.4 trillion and will fund the government until September 30, 2020, through most of what is anticipated to be a combative election season.

“Deals cut in the dead of night,” Cruz asserted in a Twitter video message this week that summarized some of the provisions in the spending package.

The senator said the spending deal benefits the “lobbyists who are bankrupting this country,” and told CBS 11 it represents “lobbyists’ Christmas present.”

“While you were with your family, shopping for Christmas, the lobbyists were spending and spending,” Cruz said in his video message.

“Nobody’s read it,” Cruz said. “There isn’t a person alive who has read this piece of garbage.”

More details here


  1. If Trump didn’t sign it then what? Government shut down before Christmas. It would crash everything... If protesters read it then they would have nothing to protest anymore

  2. I'm not happy with the new budget - Federal workers do not need 12 weeks paid family care - they are overpaid worthless employees - I know I was one of them - overpaid ur not lazy. Trump was forced into approving the budget because if not they would have shut down the Government again.

  3. Should all be Illegal all the damn Sneaking shhhht in behind our backs , Ruining America !!!

    No damn Lobbying / No Bribes / only Salary for congress

    SCOTUS should step in & throw OUT all the damn pages
    of this crap & Remove Democrats from office !!!!

    Throw OUT the rest of damn Obama care too especially !!!

  4. Get rid of the lecherous lobbyist.

  5. I would have SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT THEN instead of letting these candy -sses have their way and screw the taxpayers!!!!! From what I understand they took the lobbyist money again for Pharma so no lower medicine prices, they are just going up more. New medicines will not be able to have Generic brands for 12 years.


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