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Friday, December 06, 2019

Statement from the White House Press Secretary

At this morning’s press conference, Speaker Nancy Pelosi could have finally announced a vote on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that would immediately help America’s farmers, ranchers, businesses, and workers; or outlined a plan to work with the President to lower prescription drug prices; or addressed our Nation’s infrastructure.

Instead, Speaker Pelosi did exactly what she always does – ignore the needs of the American people and advance her selfish political desires. Democrats’ sham impeachment is a blatant, purely partisan attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. By their own admission, Democrats say they have to “impeach the President” because they cannot defeat him at the ballot box.

Democrats in Congress have clearly abused their power.
Democrats in Congress have lied to the American people.
Democrats in Congress have made a mockery of the law.

How many Democrats will join her driving right off the cliff with this illegitimate impeachment hoax? Speaker Pelosi’s instruction to advance this impeachment process – one that has violated every precedent – moves this Country toward the most partisan and illegitimate subversion of the Constitution in our history.


  1. This is truth and libtards are destroying our country allowing these greedy swamp politicians to do it.

  2. Very few of the Blues will see the light AND have the cajones to refuse to further engage in this very unfunny farce.

  3. President Trump has taught the American middle class how to be winners again and the Socialist Democrat Party hates it. The only way the socialists can take back power is through a coup or naive voters. POLITICS IN AMERICA HAS BEEN CHANGED FOR THE NEXT FIFTY YEARS!!!

  4. I love the thought that someone told me that President Trump was the whistle blower...LMAO...

  5. Those on the left are a complete do nothing group of idiots. They are supposed to be doing the will of the people but are slowly but surely destroying America. They are a hateful group that need to be voted out of office. Nothing but doom and gloom. Sleepy Joe was a real winner in how he addressed the question from the gentleman in the audience. What a complete Buffoon!!!!

  6. I just wonder, if all of this is true of democrats, why are they winning any elections at all? They have taken Virginia...turned over the House in the last election. What's going to happen to the Senate? It looks to me like they're gaining support among the masses despite their unethical and unrelenting attempt at a coup - who can explain this??

  7. Democrats have become nothing more than a flock of turkeys following the ding bat nit wit loooooooney tunes old hen with no mind of their own.MY WORST FEAR AND CONCERN IS PELOSI IS NUMBER 3 IN LINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY BEHIND PENCE.THIS ALONE SHOULD SCARE THE HELL OUT OF EVERY INTELLIGENT CITIZEN OF THE USA.

  8. They make the United States look bad. Go Trump.


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