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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Starbucks relaxes its dress code and allows staff to wear facial piercings so they 'can bring their whole selves to work'

Starbucks has adjusted its dress code allowing its baristas to wear facial piercings.

The facial piercings must be no larger than the size of a dime.

Previously, workers were allowed a small nose stud, but septum piercings or rings were not permitted.

The old dress code which was contained in a book comprised of several pages and stated: 'No other pierced jewelry or body adornments are allowed, including tongue studs.'



  1. There going to allow transgenders to parade around in Bikini's in the summer.

  2. What a pathetic company, hiring freaks.

  3. Nothing but a Creep show freak show!

  4. My opinion - Starbucks is a "drug Lord". That's strong language for a legit company; however, why else would someone pay an enormous price for a cup of coffee. Their brand of coffee is addictive - more so I believe than other brands. Just think about it when you get your next Starbucks coffee.

  5. Northwest Woodsman : Have not been to a Starbucks in years, but it was always a freak show and has gotten progressively worse over the years.

  6. Products are overpriced crap.


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