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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Star Wars' first same-sex kiss between two women is censored in Singapore where homosexuality is illegal

A kiss between two women in the new Star Wars film was cut from the version released in Singapore.

The brief sign of same-sex romance in The Rise of Skywalker is a first for the franchise, but the moment is omitted in Singaporean cinemas.

Singapore's regulator told BBC News that the film would have needed a higher age rating if the kiss was included.

Sex between men remains illegal in Singapore under a colonial-era law, although it is rarely enforced, and campaigners say the law is 'silent' on sex between women.



  1. Bye bye Star wars .. libs u RUINED IT AGAIN.

  2. Crickets from the LGBTQXYZ community, yet they make out like they have it so bad here.

  3. Should be illegal here!

  4. Yes, but American audiences were forced to see it!
    Thank God the censers did have the awkward cross-being sexual encounter between Chewy and C3P0 removed, but not before they agreed to allow the interracial shacking up in the next film.
    Our children are going to be forced to accept that pretty white Jedi's want to have sexual relations with Black fighter Pilots.

  5. It's a blink and you miss it moment. It's a quick cut when it happens as it is. And why get upset over something that happens in a "galaxy far, far away" lol.

    1. Doesn’t matter - for the majority to be subjected to it because the minority wants to make it ‘normal’ is just wrong

  6. Many in Canada are screaming at the intolerance of a nation that would do such a thing, while their very own government funded broadcasters(CNC) are allowed this censorship without a whimper. Reference Home Alone 2.

  7. Why bother ETs and Space wars, space gods are all fantasy make believe rooted in ??.
    GOD made us in his image, not some demonic alien creature.
    Demons can be manifested and UFO illusions are not out of range of satans powers..so dont be fooled by this anti GOD nonsense. Demons have and will continue to deceive us fool us lie to us. Their minons are just wolves in sheeps clothing and have fooled many into believing we dont need GOD! These fantasy movies, alien abuctions, UFOs,etc have allot of souls believing we are not alone...Sorry to break it to you. WE ARE ALONE.MAN and the federation along with alien alliances will not save mankind.
    So my rant based on GODs word are just thoughts to ponder, but many on here will totally deny his exsistance and what he would think of the themes of these movies. By the way i love these movies & all science fiction etc, so i struggle with this as a christian

  8. Wish they'd make it illegal here too. It is sick and makes me want to puke at the very thought.


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