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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Letter to Barack Obama Requesting Exoneration of Notorious Communist Spy Ethel Rosenberg

Ethel Rosenberg and husband Julius Rosenberg, two of the most notorious spies in US history, were found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage in 1951 and were sentenced to death. The Rosenbergs were accused passing top-secret information concerning the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. The Rosenbergs were the first U.S. citizens to be convicted and executed for espionage during peacetime.

Julius Rosenberg, an open communist, reportedly recruited Ethel’s younger brother, David Greenglass, to give information to the Soviets. While serving in the U.S. Army, Greenglass had been assigned to work on the famed Manhattan Project, which led to the creation of the atomic bomb, and he delivered notes and sketches of classified materials to Julius Rosenberg. According to Greenglass, Ethel took the notes and typed them up for the Soviets. This accusation seems to be the only direct evidence of Ethel’s involvement in her husband’s spying activities.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower had this to say about the Rosenstein’s before their executions. “I can only say that, by immeasurably increasing the chances of atomic war, the Rosenbergs may have condemned to death tens of millions of innocent people all over the world. The execution of two human beings is a grave matter. But even graver is the thought of the millions of dead whose deaths may be directly attributable to what these spies have done.”

In January 2017, before Barack Obama left office, Senator Elizabeth Warren sent the Democrat president a letter requesting a pardon for Ethel Rosenberg.



  1. She grew up as a victim of abuse because of her obvious minority appearance so I think Warren deserves some slack. when she found out her parents were liars and that in fact she was white is when the privilege started. One year ago. Kinda like that Steve marten movie

  2. Face people the enemy is in the wire..its getting to where watering the tree of liberty is what its gonna take to get this country back on track from the evil we ve turn a blind eye for way to long

  3. Catering to the Jewish vote

  4. Both communists, I suppose she wants to be able to openly call for it without the previous being brought up.

  5. I bet you libtards are proud of your party.

  6. Well we learn every day that this gal is nuts. She just continues to prove it.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: A significant number of communist spies operated within the Roosevelt administration, both in the nuclear project and in the OSS. Recent information collected after the demise of the Soviet Union, confirmed that fact. Roosevelt’s wife was most likely a communist as was Harry Dexter White, one of Roosevelt’s closest friends and advisor. He actually resided in the White House with the Roosevelts. Information came to light when a communications intercept unit was in operation against communist spy rings operating within the US Government. Roosevelt’s wife demanded it be shut down but they continued in secret and collected very damaging intel on communist activities. The validity information collected was later validated by Soviet records opened to researchers after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After much research in the area of intelligence during WWII, I can say with confidence that we were lied to about the war and since history is written by the victors, the truth went by the wayside.

  8. Put Warren in the electric chair to take her place !!!


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